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Chapter 78: Unfold(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

We can''''t set ourselves free. Each battle we fiht sily kes us re coletely surrender, entrapped in the enticin erace of love.


They both have a stron coitnt to love.


Nevertheless, their deepest fear lies in bein wholeheartedly devoted to love, constrained by their circutances, realities, and other factors.


Within the Pri Minister''''s residence, the Second Youn Master enaes in a battle of wits with his parents as he is deterned to rry Xu Qianqian.


Qianqian, You don''''t know how ch I love you.


I’ve never been in love, so I didn’t know what love was when I first fell in love with you.


Althouh others consider a prodiy and I aconfident in intellience, I ainsensitive to respond and inorant of own affection when it cos to love.


It took only two days to study the st difficult books. Yet it took several nths to exane whether I like you.


No one else could take your place since you already appeared in life. I don''''t want to ke do with others.


In this lifeti, I have chosen you and you alone. No tter how ny obstacles stand in our way or how perilous the path ahead y be, I will never abandon you.


However, he had de a prose to Xu Qianqian. If he couldn''''t ain their parents'''' approval, colete the three forl betrothals, carry out the proper weddin cerenies, and rry her as his lawful wife with a splendid red weddin carriae, then he wouldn''''t be able to see her.


This coitnt served as his prose to the person he loved and a syol of his duty as a n to a won.


Therefore, if thins didn''''t work out, he couldn''''t see her and st refrain frodoin so.


Yu Yujun stood before the loo future alone, thinkin and plannin with all his strenth.


Nothin could stop his brave heart despite the lon, dark niht, the unknown trail before hi and the nurous barriers on his path.


Even if llions of people opposed hiand his loved ones poured cold water on his aspirations, they couldn''''t extinuish the fiery passion within hi


Yu Yujun was proactive and optistic, as his life had always been filled with favorable conditions, and everythin had one sothly for hi


Xu Qianqian, in the anti, was feelin disl as the lon niht lood over her, and she was left to tend to her wounds quietly.


The on is already set, and it is already after dniht. I have trouble fallin asleep all niht.


I''''experiencin unfathoble depression. Althouh he is close, I feel like we are far apart.


When the phrase "youn ster" is used, sadness arises. I et waves of lonin in heart.


Every relationship is predestined. How do we stay toether if we are not ant to be?


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新书推荐: 下山霍霍师姐们 僵尸:我是修仙界的异类 万古唯神 仙妻如云 我真不想吃软饭啊(仙醉) 逆仙行者 综武:长生万古,每天自动变强 擎天仙族 三十六重天游记 综武:家族兴旺,从娶邀月开始