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Chapter 77: Unfold挑明(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

"I thouht son intellient and perceptive froan early ae, and he st have been a ood jude of people. I thouht you were the srtest and st talented an sons, but unexpectedly, you are the st stupid. Arroant and conceited, with no sense of proportion! I hope you achieve the hihest score in the ierial exanation."


"A dinified youn ster of the Yu faly will rry a lowly prostitute as his wife. How will others ck you? It’s a disrace to the educated class."


"A respectable youn ster of the Pri Mister is rryin a sinin irl. Aren''''t you afraid that people will criticize you for disracin your faly''''s na?"


"She is not a prostitute but a renowned entertainer. That’s totally different."


"Why would you like soone like her? What is ood about her? There are countless noble ladies you could have loved, yet you chose to fall for a lowly entertainer. Do you have no sense of sha? Where is the wise wisdoyou learned frothe sacred books of saes?"


"Whether you accept her or not, future will have her in it."


"So, you an you''''re oin to sever all ties with for the sake of this outsider? Yu Yujun, for an outsider, you are fallin out with your faly. Is it worth it?"

“你的意思是为了一个外人你要和我恩断义绝? 玉雨均,你为了一个外人和亲人闹翻了,值得吗?”

"Yes. I won''''t live alone. If you are oin to hurt her. "


"Rebellious child, this isn''''t just about you. It concerns the centuries-old foundation of our Yu faly. You won''''t be with her unless you step over dead body."



These days, I was not used to life without his coany beside , but I st et used to it eventually.


He was entle and eleant without defects, while heart was already riddled with scars.


"I will et used to it," I rred as I walked down the street.


Can I be honest with self once? I like that kind of n, and he is entle and refined.

我能诚实的面对自己的内心一次吗? 我喜欢他那样的人,喜欢他那样温文尔雅的人。

He''''s the only one who is carin and considerate to and is a true entlen.


As a won, It''''s hard not to be attracted to such a n. It''''s really hard not to develop feelins for such a n.


However, how can a crow ever be a tch for a phoenix?


Love is ical. We have no idea when it starts, and it isn''''t until we beco conscious that we discover how deeply inrained its roots are in our hearts.


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新书推荐: 下山霍霍师姐们 僵尸:我是修仙界的异类 万古唯神 仙妻如云 我真不想吃软饭啊(仙醉) 逆仙行者 综武:长生万古,每天自动变强 擎天仙族 三十六重天游记 综武:家族兴旺,从娶邀月开始