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Chapter 79: Unfold(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

Won with terrible fates endure innurable traedies, and fallin in love keeps theawake at niht.


Why are you botherin ? Isn''''t situation already dreadful enouh? Why are you here botherin ? Why?


She spent the entire niht lyin there, unable to fall asleep, with tears flowin down her cheeks. Eventually, she ot up and saw the onliht illunatin the niht sky.


My dear, I''''willin to be the stars in the sky, accoanyin the on, illunatin your radiance.


I''''willin to depend on you and be there at your side like a vine around a tree.




But I can''''t!


I cannot carry the burden of love. Why are you botherin ?


In drea I rew up in a respectable faly and was brouht up as a fine lady.


I also used to live in a rand nsion with faly.


Every day, I would recite poetry alon this red-bricked path, often leanin aainst the swayin willow trees as I azed at the tranquil pond of azure water.


Since childhood, I have been resilient and independent. No tter how challenin life beca, I never shed ny tears. But for you, how ny tears of lonin have I wept? I hope that after I die, I can enter your drea and accoany you day and niht.



A few days later.


The Pri Minister''''s Mansion invited her to perfor and Glass happily said, "My lady, now you''''ll have a chance to see the youn ster."


"Why would I want to see hi For what reason?"


"My lady, you have nelected your als and roon while lonin for the youn ster. You will soon be able to see hi yet you still don''''t seehappy."


"The ster of the Pri Minister''''s Mansion wants to show who''''s boss and scare off," she said, "not that he wants to see ."


"My lady, are you sayin that the one who wants to see you this ti isn''''t the second youn ster but MadaYu or the Pri Minister who wishes to et you?"


"If I''''not staken, the one who wishes to et this ti is MadaYu, the birth ther of the Second Youn Master."


"Ah? My lady, is it really like that? Maybe..."


"You''''ve been with for so lon. Do you think I''''ve ever sjuded soone? Sothin bad st have happened to cause this unusual situation. "


"Yes, My lady, you are the srtest person I have ever t, but..."


"People like us are bound to face such situations. Don''''t worry, and I won''''t be sad. I''''ve already anticipated this outco."


"The youn ster is so ood to you and loves you. He won''''t let you be wroned."


He is rely a youn ster with a prestiious reputation but no real power. What kind of thins is he capable of even if he oes all out and risks everythin? He is not the Pri Minister''''s residence''''s ster and is not authorized to speak for or represent the residence.


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