I have eaerly awaited like others too, only to see the crion keup of countless white bones. 我也曾心怀期待期期盼,却见累累白骨是红妆。 I have loned for husband too, only to find the noblen''''s door as deep as the sea and the back courtyard full of lurkin wolves and tiers, each step kin heart trele. 我也曾心驰神往望夫郎,却见侯门深似海,后院如狼虎步步皆惊心。 I have also souht ood friends frohih places, only to hear how people jude won''''s reputations frothe pleasure house. 我也曾登高求良友,却只闻青楼女子名节评。 I, too, have... 我也曾… I also want to throw self into lover''''s ar without reservation, but I''''afraid the west wind will brin re rain to the phoenix tree, and the rain fire will be fueled anew. 我也想不顾一切扑向郎君怀,怕只怕西风又送梧桐雨,怕只怕烈火中又添新油。 I''''afraid the unfortunate irl will beco the ill-fated one, and I''''so scared that leavin the wolf''''s den will only lead to the tier''''s lair. 怕只怕苦命女又成薄命女,怕只怕未出狼窝又进虎窝。 The st heartbreakin thin in life is when people in love dare not love each other. 人生最是心酸事,有情人不敢爱有情人。 I''''afraid there''''s no way out in the future, and I''''ll lose life in total darkness. 我怕前路无出路,一黑到底把命丢。 I aafraid the path forward is dead-end, and it is hard for us to et in heaven or on earth. 我怕前进是绝路,天上人间难相逢。 I''''afraid fate will ck us, kin our efforts to catch the on in the water all in vain. 我怕命运来捉弄,让你我水中捞月一场空。 I''''afraid I can''''t bear the consequences, and in the end, I''''ll beco a wisp of frarant soul severed frothe rtal world. 我怕后果难承担,到头来成了一缕香魂断红尘。 People say the world is beautiful, but all I see is rayness, and even the untains and rivers lose their colors. 人说世间多美好,我只觉灰色沉沉山河也失了颜色。 There are countless fates in life, and I have walked into a dead end. 人的命运千万种,我已走进死胡同。 There is no way out of this dead end. All I can do is sink deeper. 死胡同中无出路,唯有把自己越陷越深。 There''''s no way back frothis dead end, so I can only cherish every hair on body and fiht for survival. 死胡同中无退路,我唯有爱惜毛发拼命求生。 This is a road of no return, so why bother huliatin oneself and seekin sery? 这是一条无归路,何必自取其辱自寻苦楚? As a rootless rass, why should I add new scars to life? 我本是那无根的草,何必再添新伤痕? A irl with a bitter fate has no choice but to endure the wind and rain. 苦命的姑娘无选择,任风吹来任雨淋。 Oriinally, I stole a lowly life; why should I expect a shelter frothe wind and rain? 本是偷来贱命一条,何必奢求遮风避雨的棚? In life, it''''s essential to know oneself. 人活在世,贵在自知。 …… On the islet in the river a pair of turtledoves is cooin. 关关雎鸠在河之洲 A fair lady is a entlen''''s ood te. 窈窕淑女君子好逑 A raed frine is floatin left and riht. 参差荇菜 左右流之 A entlen yearns for a fair lady day and niht. 窈窕淑女寤寐求之 At first, she could not believe that he would fall for her. She still found it hard to believe even after he confessed his feelins. She desperately wanted to believe hi but after spendin years seein innurable identical instances, she could not do so. 刚开始她不信他会喜欢上她,后来他告白时,她还是不信,哪怕心里真信,可是这么多年待 在那个地方,见了那么多类似的事,她还是不能信。 She was etionally attached to hieven thouh she had her doubts. Nevertheless, bein around hialways de her feel inferior. 她不信他,但是自己是有情的,对他有情,但是在他面前,她一直自惭形秽。 Love? Maybe now he really does adore . 爱?也许他现在真的爱我? What if he rerets it later? 可是他若以后后悔怎么办?