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Chapter 69: Confession(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

"We coon folk cannot afford to irritate these snake-like people. Fihtin thewould be like a th flyin into a fla, lookin for our own destruction.


Those with lack skills are unable to defend their own interests and are instead just taken advantae of.


People are different, and while birth does not always decide one''''s fate, it has a sinificant iact on it.


We st be as touh as rass because we were born as lowly as rass. Only by endurin the burnin of wildfires and rerowin with the sprin wind can we stay alive.


Don''''t coare yourself to those well-born youn ladies. Althouh we are all huns, we belon to two different worlds.


They were born precious like jewels, cherished and protected by others, while we were born as lowly as rass, traled upon and oppressed.


We have no protection frothe wind or rain, so those who can survive st be extraordinarily resilient. We strule throuh the seasons—wind and rain, bitter cold, huner, and the arduous search for food, an other hardships.


Life can be obtained throuh one''''s own efforts, and so thins that are forced will brin disaster to oneself. You still don''''t understand.


A truly intellient person knows what to do and what not to do. It is very ood to have a sense of propriety.


Since ancient tis, those who didn''''t know who they were and couldn''''t control theelves have never had a ood endin.


I feel we are wide apart, thouh he is actually near.


It''''s not that I''''overly protective of self, But so pain for others is just superficial. But on us, it''''s a bone-piercin pain."


In his eyes, she was just a speck of dust.


"Soone like us can’t ke stakes like that. We can’t afford it. Can you understand?"


She sat by herself in her roo opened the window, and stood by it to look out at the distant scenery after openin up to Glass and sharin the specifics of the tter.


Her heart, however, was tultuous like a stor sea. Althouh she could see throuh everythin and act decisively, she was, after all, just a youn irl. As for the entlen, everythin about hihis character, appearance, thouhts, and drea—captivated her soul. Reardless of how intellient she is—after all, she is just an ordinary irl—how could she not be ved? It''''s a pity that her heartache was in vain.


I''''ve also peered over the wall like a red apricot, but I''''afraid all it''''s doin is kin the snow even colder and experiencin the piercin cold.


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新书推荐: 枯木仙缘 覆灭法师 痞子战神王雨轩 通天道观 开局异世领主,帝国与美人我都要 综武:人在古墓,开局和小龙女订娃娃亲 本想当个普通人,你却夺我天阴骨 我就种个地,怎么长出御姐和萝莉了? 逢凶化吉,从九龙夺嫡开始 被诬陷逐出师门,反手让你全宗立坟