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Chapter 71: Confession(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

In front of love, as a n, he always can retreat, but can I retreat as a won?


Is there any way for a won to retreat?


The hun world has always been harsher on won, particularly those of lower social positions.


Men y afford to be frivolous in ter of ronce, whereas won cannot. When n indule in affairs, it often becos a lihthearted topic of conversation, but can won do the sa?


Won tend to face re sinificant risks in love, so they often et hurt re than n.


We have fouht hard to be here now. Don''''t ruin ourselves with such ety rontic love.


They are all fake. I don''''t believe such thins ever existed in the world.


If love exists, it is not for individuals like us.


A relationship can ke people suffer and lose freedo One can be stron and at ease without fallin in love.


In this lifeti, she would repay his kindness and return his affection in the next... However, all he desired was her love in return.


Frothe outside, it appeared that ettin rried to such a wonderful entlen—a n with virtue, talent, ood looks, and a distinuished faly backround—would seelike a blessin froa past life. Yet she only felt the chillin wind and never-endin nihts.


there was no way she could rry soone like hi


Drea of sprinti will o like driftin clouds, their bloo plucked by a river that no one can stop.


Tell each nyh and sailor, "It''''s foolish to invite love''''s sufferin!"


you would have no hope unless you live!


Not only was Xu Qianqian disheartened by love, but the youn ster of the pri nister was also lost in thouht within the nsion.


The first ti they t, her captivatin beauty touched his heartstrins.


By the ti they t for the second ti, he was already in love with her.


He was incredibly conceited, and froa youn ae, ordinary people could never catch his eye. Althouh she was considered inferior, she had hih aitions, and ordinary people couldn''''t catch her interest either. In reality, they were both lonely and alike at heart. As a result, when they t, they felt an instant connection, as if they were lon-lost friends.




She didn’t want to hurt such a person because she would rather keep in nd this pure character, which tantalized her.


However, this n had always tried his best to be inseparable froher since the day he confessed. This n was her first love after all these years.


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