"Youn ster, I have been in this industry for ny years and have been around. Please don''''t take for a fool. I cannot, and will not, attet to reach soone as hih social rankin as you. Moreover, I anot a naive youn irl who drea of relyin on n to cli the social □□. I just want to be an ordinary citizen and have a norl and stable life." “公子,我在这行很多年了,也是见过一些世面的,所以请别把我当成什么无知少女。如公子这样的高枝,我不会攀,也攀不起。而且我也不是一个会做那种依靠男人上位的美梦的天真少女。我只是想做一个普普通通的老百姓,过着普普通通安安稳稳的日子。” "It was not a ntary iulse. I''''ve thouht about it for a lon ti and pondered it a lot, and it took nths to understand own feelins. I''''not the kind of person who acts recklessly without considerin consequences or lives solely for the present. I''''aware of our current situation and the potential difficulties we y face, but these aren''''t enouh to ke ive up or back down. I don''''t view self as soone who shirks responsibility. I know what I''''doin now, and even if the future is filled with stor and calaties, I... I still want to take care of you for the rest of life." “我绝不是一时冲动,我考虑了很久,琢磨了很多,数月才弄明白我自己的心意。我觉不是那种不计后果,不想明天,不问前程今宵有酒今宵醉的人。我知道也明白我们现在处境和可能会遇到的困难,但这些都不足以让我放弃,我更不会因此而退缩。我玉雨均自认也不是那种没有单担的人,我知道我现在在做什么,即便未来狂风骤雨,粉身碎骨,我...我还是想在未来余生里照顾你一辈子。” "Stor and calaties? Youn Master, you''''ve ot the wron person. I, Xu Qianqian, have never been fascinated with love. You can inquire about reputation and learn what kind of person I a Youn Master, love isn''''t sothin soone of status can afford. Those who crawl on the round have no place to discuss love, let alone think about it. Glass, please show our uest out." “狂风骤雨,粉身碎骨?公子,你找错人了,我徐芊芊从来就不是一个恋爱脑的人,你可以去打听打听我徐芊芊的名声,去打听打听我是个什么样的人先。公子,爱情这个东西不是我这样的身份的人可以拥有的。在地上爬着的人是没有资格去论爱情的,想都不能想。小草,送客!” If you love soone, but she doesn''''t trust your sincerity, what you should do? 如果你爱一个人,但她却不相信你,你该怎么办? She retreated step by step, leavin hino choice but to keep advancin. 她的步步后退让他只能步步紧逼。 In tters of love, when a won continuously retreats, wantin no connection with the n, and the n persists in his pursuit, his unwaverin deternation ensures he won''''t let o. 在爱情中,女的退了又退,不想与对方有所交集,而男的追了又追,居然追出了恒心和毅力就是不放手。 Once he de up his nd, it was for a lifeti. 认定了就是一辈子。 The baoo stands tall an the steep reen untains, its toothlike roots anchored firy in the cracked rock below. 咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。 It reins sturdy despite bein constantly battered by the elents, whether frothe north, the south, the east, or the west. 千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。 Even thouh the won with whohe fell in love had a traic past and ettin rried to her appeared iossible, he had de up his nd that she would be his wife for the rest of his life. He had de up his nd to wed her, and he would. 虽然他爱上的女子身世凄苦,他要娶这样的女子为妻难于登天,可是他既然认定了今生今世她是自己的妻子,那么他就一定要娶,而且也一定能娶。 He would use all of his expertise and accolishnts to defend her, even if there were iendin stor. He believed he could protect her. 虽然风雨欲来,但是他拼尽所有也要护住她,倾毕生所学和所得,他相信自己也能护住她。