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Chapter 65: Confession坦白(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

"Why would a noblen of your stature, with power and respect, want to associate with soone like ?"


Previously, he looked down upon people of her kind. A sinle sentence froher was like an archer''''s arrow piercin throuh the heart and relentlessly taretin the Second Youn Master.


"I don''''t care about tched backrounds, I only care about you."


Soone like hi the last thin he lacks would be a noble lady who wants to rry hi


In the past, he only disdained her and held her in low reard.


"In eyes, you''''re very kind, stron, and optistic. You have the courae that I hardly have."

“其实你在我眼里特别地善良、坚强、勇敢、乐观、 你身上有着我可望不可及的勇气。”

"I rew up and raised in the entertainnt parlor. The ways of this place had lon been inrained in very bein. Money, power, usin others and bein used, social cliin, and transactional relationships, I was born with all these traits, and they were thins I could never chane."



"You sily dare not choose and have no choice."


"What does it tter if I have a choice or not? What does it tter what led to this? These thins aren''''t iortant. What tters is who I anow and what kind of person I have beco."


The Second Youn Master sily azed at her silently, offerin no response. After so ti, Xu Qianqian reained her coosure and continued: "Youn ster, I didn''''t expect you to be so approachable."


She spoke in a casual tone as if it were just a trivial tter. But her words struck a chord in his heart, kin hifeel all kinds of discoort. It was as if she had seen throuh hi understood all his previous thouhts, and her words left hifeelin ashad and speechless.


"Why have you never co here? Because you look down on people like us, despisin what we are doin for a livin frothe bottoof your heart. Love is like a rae or a reflection in the water, as soft as cotton. It see beautiful, but it cannot withstand the harshness of reality. So, youn ster, we are not suitable for each other. You and I are people frotwo different worlds, and we shouldn''''t have any interaction."


"I sread you at first. I thouht you were just pretendin to be noble in order to ain attention."


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新书推荐: 下山霍霍师姐们 僵尸:我是修仙界的异类 万古唯神 仙妻如云 我真不想吃软饭啊(仙醉) 逆仙行者 综武:长生万古,每天自动变强 擎天仙族 三十六重天游记 综武:家族兴旺,从娶邀月开始