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Chapter 67: Confession(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

As she saw the youn ster''''s fiure fade into the distance, Xu Qianqian softly thouht to herself: Marriaes between persons of drastically different social classes have rarely ended well throuhout history. Bein with soone like can only dra you down. You have an unparalleled intellect and vast knowlede. It is unworthy for to wreck your future. You will undoubtedly have a briht future.


The youn ster frothe Yu faly''''s unshakable deternation reined unaltered as he watched her fadin for


Xu Qianqian, you really don''''t care about feelins? I just don''''t believe it!


It''''s not often that the on is visible in a clear sky, and sunny days pass by far too quickly.


a kind and aspirational nd contained in a base-born fra,


Your charand wit sily increased hatred, and your racious lord''''s concern was in vain.


Grass knew the details of the situation best, as she had uided Youn Master Yu to their ho. She saw that he was different froothers. Althouh he appeared cold and indifferent, his stron sense of rihteousness was difficult for her to inore.



He was a n with cold outside but warinside, soone worth entrustin one''''s life to, and her lady was fond of hi


Actually, the youn ster and her lady were really silar.


On the surface, she appeared uninterested in hi However, she treated hivery nicely.


They were a perfect fit in ter of personality, appearance, talent, and aition.


Both, however, had friid exteriors and warhearts, and they would not readily express their etions, let alone declare their love or reveal their deepest thouhts. Thus, whether purposefully or accidentally, Glass assud the position of tchker for the two, anticipatin that they would soon beco a pair.


But it appeared that she had been too clever for her own ood this ti. As she watched her lady con towards her, she couldn''''t help but brew a cup of stean tea and o to reet her.


"My lady, is this youn ster not worthy of bein entrusted with a lifeti?"


Her lady always kept thins to herself, solvin proble independently. Now that she had finally t a youn ster she liked deep inside, Glass feared that if her lady ssed this opportunity, she ht never find soone like hiaain.


She didn''''t want her lady to be alone for the rest of her life. She hoped soone by her side could share her happiness, aner, sorrow, and joy and o throuh hardships toether.


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