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Chapter 56: Unyielding(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

I asoone who lives in the darkness. However, I lon for sunliht and hope.


I ain the d, but I try best to et out of it without bein stained, to wash clean without bein teted.


Maybe I ainsane, but a person has to have a belief, a pursuit, a oal, and a direction in life.


That was oal, direction, and drea


Althouh pursuit is as difficult as reachin the sky for , althouh such pursuit is easy for ordinary youn ladies born into a little better faly, it is out of reach for soone like .


I could only bla self for not bein able to reincarnate well. Why did I have to be born into such a faly?


We were penniless and starvin. It was a blessin for us to row up without any disabled.


I shouldn''''t have entered this industry. I was youn and inorant at that ti. I just wanted to study calliraphy and didn''''t want to be illiterate. However, I de one stake after another.


Back then, I could have entered another industry. I could be a id of soone. That would be a hundred tis better than what I anow!


I could only bla self for bein teted by ney. The salary here was hih, and I deserved it for bein short-sihted.


As a child, biest wish was to have enouh food and warclothes. Later, I wanted to learn how to read and write, and then I wanted to earn re ney and beco rich. Now, I want to be a pure and innocent irl, a norl and virtuous wife and have an ordinary life. I want to rry a n who loves and is worth love, have children, and live a happy life with faly.


However, I was not fated to do that in this life!


"I''''reedy. I''''too reedy. My oal has always been chanin, and I want to et re and re, re and re out of reach."


As lon as I was content, I could live happily ever after.


There was no need to overthink. It was difficult for to fall asleep, and the pillow was wet with tears.


Why was it that even if I had such an unreconciled heart, I was unwillin to accept fate and the current situation?


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