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Chapter 55: Unyielding不屈(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

On the surface, she was still so cal as if nothin had happened, as if she were still the sa as before. However, after the last incident, she was different and no loner the sa person. Her view of the world had beco re desolate, and her heart had beco colder.


How ny people can rein the sa after experiencin that?


They ht at least chane a bit.


"Bitches are used to please n. You don''''t have the riht to say no!" She often heard this voice in her drea at dniht. This voice was her alarand de her wake up instantly. In the past, she was confused, but now it seed that everythin was suddenly clear.


That word hit her riht on her head.


She has decided to leave the entertainnt parlor industry and the capital and o to a strane place where no one knows her to start over.


However, with her identity, the entertainnt parlor would not let her leave so easily. She was now a bi cash tree of the boss!


Therefore, everythin has to be considered carefully. She will co up with a perfect plan and then et away.


How she wishes she won''''t need to dance to ke a livin!


She was sincerely rateful to hi Without his sudden appearance, she would probably be dead by now. Therefore he saved her life. She thouht of death when she was helplessly threatened, and her chastity was about to be taken away. Ha ha, it turned out that she was so fraile.


"When will the end of the indecent career be?"


How is she oin to break this cae and set herself free?


Her life is bitter and hopeless, yet she refuses to accept her fate.


She was livin a life in all of the darkness, but she is still lookin for liht.


Even if there is a sliht chance for her to see any liht, she still needs to ive herself hope and encourae herself to ve forward.


even if it''''s a drea and then she chooses to live a life with liht.


Even if it was half-awake and half-slept, it was not valid.


Even if it''''s chasin after a reflection in the rror or a on in the water, it doesn''''t tter if it all ends up bein in vain.


Why does she like quiet so ch?


She can only talk to herself and listen to her heart when it''''s quiet.


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