On the surface, she was still so cal as if nothin had happened, as if she were still the sa as before. However, after the last incident, she was different and no loner the sa person. Her view of the world had beco re desolate, and her heart had beco colder. 表面上她虽然仍然那么云淡风轻,好像一点事都没有,好像她还和从前一样,可是经历过上次的事件,她已经不同了,也再不是从前的那个她了,她对这个世界的看法更苍凉了,她的心变得更冷了。 How ny people can rein the sa after experiencin that? 又有几个人经历了以后还能和以前一样呢 They ht at least chane a bit. 或多或少都会有一些变化吧 "Bitches are used to please n. You don''''t have the riht to say no!" She often heard this voice in her drea at dniht. This voice was her alarand de her wake up instantly. In the past, she was confused, but now it seed that everythin was suddenly clear. “□□就是用来取悦男人的,你没有资格说不!”午夜梦回中她常听到这句话,这句话是她的警钟,让她瞬间清醒,以往雾里看花,现在好像一切突然明了。 That word hit her riht on her head. 这两个字正中了她的要害 She has decided to leave the entertainnt parlor industry and the capital and o to a strane place where no one knows her to start over. 她已经下了决心离开歌伎坊,离开这个行业,离开京城,去一个陌生的地方,一个没有人认识自己的地方重新开始。 However, with her identity, the entertainnt parlor would not let her leave so easily. She was now a bi cash tree of the boss! 但是她的身份,歌伎坊是不会让她轻易离开的,她现在可是歌伎坊的一颗大大的摇钱树呀! Therefore, everythin has to be considered carefully. She will co up with a perfect plan and then et away. 所以一切都要从长计议,她会想一个万全之策然后巧脱身。 How she wishes she won''''t need to dance to ke a livin! 她多么希望她不用靠跳舞为生了 She was sincerely rateful to hi Without his sudden appearance, she would probably be dead by now. Therefore he saved her life. She thouht of death when she was helplessly threatened, and her chastity was about to be taken away. Ha ha, it turned out that she was so fraile. 她也真心对他感激,没有他的突然出现,现在的她估计已经死了,所以他于她的帮助是救命之恩,当她无助被威胁时,要被夺去清白时,她居然想到了死,哈哈,原来她是这么的脆弱。 "When will the end of the indecent career be?" 烟花生涯断人肠,何日是尽头? How is she oin to break this cae and set herself free? 她要怎么打破牢笼,重获自由呢? Her life is bitter and hopeless, yet she refuses to accept her fate. 她的人生是痛苦而无望的,但她拒绝接受自己这样的命运。 She was livin a life in all of the darkness, but she is still lookin for liht. 她生活在一片黑暗中,但她仍在寻找光明。 Even if there is a sliht chance for her to see any liht, she still needs to ive herself hope and encourae herself to ve forward. 即使有一线希望,她也要给自己希望,鼓励自己向前。 even if it''''s a drea and then she chooses to live a life with liht. 即使这只是个梦,她也会活在有光的地方。 Even if it was half-awake and half-slept, it was not valid. 即使是半睡半醒,半真半假中。 Even if it''''s chasin after a reflection in the rror or a on in the water, it doesn''''t tter if it all ends up bein in vain. 哪怕是镜中花水中月她追逐到最后也是一场空也没有关系。 Why does she like quiet so ch? 为什么她那么喜欢安静? She can only talk to herself and listen to her heart when it''''s quiet. 因为只有安静地时候她才能自言自语,聆听自己的心声。