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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

Chapter 54: Fourth Meet

"My lady, I''''ve been servin you for years. It''''s hard for you to fall on soone head over heels.


You are different froother irls, and ybe he is different too.


There is always a reason for you to fall for soone.


You always told that we st always follow our hearts.


You can''''t find excuses to deny it when sothin happens to you."


"Stop, don''''t overthink it. He and I are not what you think. We st know our place and don''''t have any wishful thinkin, plus, as one who always draws a clear distinction between repayin kindness and revene.


I won''''t let anyone hold back.


The incident just happened a few days ao, and now you have the nd to joke around now?


Let tell you, what happened last ti was no accident, nor was it sudden. Soone had already arraned everythin and was waitin for to ju into their trap."


"My lady, are you talkin about the boss?"


"Of course, she was the sternd, but she was not the only one. There were also accolices."


"My lady, who else do you think is there?"


"I have so clues on nd and will keep trackin it down. Don''''t worry; I''''not a pushover and won''''t let the person who hurt off. When everythin was over, it would be ti for us to think of a way to leave this place."


"My lady, are you oin to leave here?"


"Don''''t worry. As lon as I''''not starvin, you won''''t be either.


You know I have no faly. We relied on and supported each other for so lon.


I saw you as sister rather than id.


You are only faly in this world, so I will protect you the sa way I do for self. When the ti cos, I''''ll take you out if I leave. If you don''''t want to follow in the future, just let know."


"My lady, I will follow you for the rest of life."


"Silly irl, people o to the top, and water flows to the botto If you have a better way out and an opportunity, you st seize it. But people can''''t be reedy or have wishful thinkin, nor can they depend on luck. That''''s the only way to protect ourselves frobein tricked and used."


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