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Chapter 57: Unyielding(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

Why can''''t I live in the darkness like others for the rest of life? Like Walkin Dead or drunk to their own rave?


Why should I yearn for sunshine and the risin sun?


Because I have seen ood thins and know what a ood life should be like, I was even re precise about what is terrible.


I''''ve seen people with ood characters, so I hate those with bad characters even re.


I had seen kind people before, so I wanted to avoid the black-hearted devil re.


I tried best to et close to ood people and avoid bad people. Even if there were ny bad people around , I yearned for the sunshine, rain, and dew in the hun world, and I loned for spotless heaven.


Drea, you are enuinely re challenin to reach than the hihest heavens to .


But I still tried best to rab you. Even if I could only et you in dreaand beco the person I wanted to be in drea I was willin to do so.


If I was destined to sink into the darkness and eventually be swallowed up, I would not ive up the opportunity to hu a nt of twiliht in drea


Even if I could not distinuish dreafroreality, I was unwillin to ive up deternation to pursue the liht.


Unless one day I die. As lon as I anot dead and still alive, I will coexist with the liht, even if I can only have it in drea


She can control her etions well. This ability to endure silently is honed throuh acculation over ti.


So finally she found out the truth.


But the answer de Xu Qianqian hard to believe it.


Colorful phoenix? Why? Why was she harn ?


I understand that people can do whatever it takes for their benefit.


But I didn''''t et in her way, nor have I ever had a feud with her.


Even the flower queen coetition back then was not intention. I didn''''t want to be the queen of flowers. I oriinally wanted her to be it, but I didn''''t expect her to withdraw and yield the position to suddenly.


Moreover, it was the boss who hard her. What does it have to do with ?


We are all unfortunate people, and harn does not benefit her any.


I really can''''t find a reason for her to har!


"My lady, ybe she''''s jealous of you!" Glass told .


"why would she be jealous of ? What is there for others to be Jealous about soone like ?" I lauhed at self.


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