\"Lotus, now that you\''''re a part of the Xu faly, you st seize this chance to cli hiher. The Xu faly is so wealthy that even a sinle hair frotheir bodies is thicker than our waists. I heard they have an only son, barely older than you. If you could rry hi your life would be carefree. You would live coortably, be served by others, and carry an air of noble prestie whenever you step out. Of course, bein the first wife in such a faly ht not be achievable for people like us. But even if you beco a concubine, you will still be superior to others, and you won\''''t have to worry about bein able to enjoy life\''''s pleasures. “莲儿,你现在进了徐家,可要抓住机会往上爬,像徐家这样的大户人家是拔根汗毛都比咱腰粗呀,我打听到了徐家有个独子,只比你大了一点点,若是你能嫁给他,这辈子就不用愁了,起居八座,有人伺候,走出去就和那官家夫人一样威风凛凛,当然那样的人家正室夫人咱们这样的人家不一定能坐得上,可是哪怕是能给他当一个妾都高人一等,这辈子吃喝享乐都不用不愁了。” Verdant wild rass blanketed the roadside, starkly contrastin the tall and luxuriant trees nearby. In the dst of this idyllic settin, Aunt took her ently by the hand, uidin her to a seated position on the lush, rassy terrain. As they settled, Aunt bean to speak—her voice sincere and weihty, iued with a heartfelt earnestness that underscored the iortance of her words. 路边的野草青青,树木树木苍翠。姑姑就拉着她坐在草地上语重心长地开始说话——她的声音真挚而庄重,充满真诚的诚意,突显了她话语的重要性。 My aunt could be considered a sharp won in the faly. She had her own views and ideas. However, these were useful to her own social circle. She dread of nipulatin the wealthy, layin out sches for the hopin for their assistance in alterin her destitute destiny. 姑姑在家族中算得上是一个精明的人,她有自己的主见,也有自己的主意,可是只是在她自己的圈层,她想去设计富人,套路富人,希望富人能拉自己一把,从此改变自己穷苦的命运。 But this was only a pipe drea Her notions were overly silistic. 可是这只能是一个梦想,她的想法太天真了。 The Xu faly, the father as the current patriarch and the son as the heir apparent, were both incredibly cunnin individuals. They were both briht and ruthless, never allowin any exploitation. 徐家那对父子,老的是现在的当家人,少的是未来的当家人,两父子一个德行,都是精明得不得了的人物。他们都是聪明人,而且手段很辣,根本就不会让你得到任何利益。 Any thouhts of her aunt ainin frothe Xu faly were utterly fanciful. The larer their assets rew, the tihter their defenses beca. They rearded even a sll child like Lotus with suspicion, let alone an □□ like her aunt. 姑姑想要在徐家获得什么,那是绝对不可能的,产业越做越大,防备心就越强,自己才这么一点大的孩子,那徐家父子就对自己草木皆兵,你一个成年人那就更不用提了。 How could her trivial tricks entice the Her schen appeared as re clownish antics in their eyes. A sliht nipulation frothewould be enouh to reduce her to tears. 他们怎么会被她这样一点小手段给收买了呢?她的这些小心思,在他们看来简直就像是跳梁小丑一样,他们只需要随便拿捏她几下,就足够让她痛哭流涕了。 Lotus saw the situation clearly and had no intention to court disaster, so she had no choice but to burst her aunt\''''s lofty drea. 段莲看得明白,可不想作死,所以只好打消姑姑的春秋大梦。 The idyllic fantasy of one\''''s success elevatin the entire faly couldn\''''t be realized throuh her. 那种一人得道,鸡犬升天的春秋大梦在她段莲身上实现不了。 \"Aunt, what are you sayin? One\''''s life can only be shaped by oneself. In this world, aside froourselves, there\''''s nobody we can truly rely on. Hence, life\''''s path st be trodden by alone. The road of courtin power and wealth is not ne to walk!\" “姑姑,你说什么呢?一个人的人生只能靠自己,除了自己,这个世界上没有人能靠得住,所以我以后的人生路要靠自己去走,攀权附贵的路不属于我!”