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Chapter 48: Fourth Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

What this youn ster said surprised the won a little, so she said: "Readin kes a n raceful. A book contains a lot of knowlede. Knowlede is one''''s best wealth. As a scholar, achievin the hihest score in the ierial exanation is the best way."


"Maybe," he answered indifferently as if he didn''''t want to o deeper into this topic.


“Youn Master, do you think actions that day were too cruel?” The irl was so brilliant that she bean to chane the subject. She was shocked that she suddenly asked this question. She had lived in hell for a lon ti and had never cared about what others thouht of her.


"He deserved it. It wasn''''t anyone''''s fault." He answered her without hesitation as if it was a prevalent thin.


Lookin at the won in front of hi he felt that his words seed to be a little abrupt, and then he continued to explain his coents. "Under such circutances, it wouldn''''t be fair if you didn''''t fiht back and let hibully you at will."


"Under such circutances, I had to strike first to et revene for self. Rather than believin it''''s never too late for revene, I aa irl of action. It''''s iossible to keep waitin for the riht opportunity to strike. A person''''s life is like a white pony passin throuh a crack instantly. I will ss the chance for the rest of life if I don''''t do sothin at that ti. "The irl said with a sle as if she was siltaneously talkin to herself and answerin what he had just said.


"I know not everyone can act accordin to their own will. That''''s why I envy people like you. I envy that you can live your life to the fullest and do what you want. "She azed at the sky froa distance and suddenly turned around and stared at the n beside her after she finished speakin.


"A person''''s lifeti won''''t be perfect, but a part of it will be satisfyin. "He consoled her.


After sayin that, he realized the irl wanted to coort hi so she chaned the subject. However, she was like a draonfly skiin over the water''''s surface, kin hicoletely unaware of it.


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新书推荐: 枯木仙缘 覆灭法师 痞子战神王雨轩 通天道观 开局异世领主,帝国与美人我都要 综武:人在古墓,开局和小龙女订娃娃亲 本想当个普通人,你却夺我天阴骨 我就种个地,怎么长出御姐和萝莉了? 逢凶化吉,从九龙夺嫡开始 被诬陷逐出师门,反手让你全宗立坟