After ponderin a nt, he decided not to avoid this subject before her: "For , becon an official is the least I want to do." 思索了片刻,他决定不再刻意在她面前回避这个话题:“于我个人来说,我是最不想做官了” "But scholars all deterned to be an official, you will be seen as an outcast if your studies won''''t help you beco an official." “可是读书人皆志在朝堂,你若不做官人家会把你当怪物看待的” "It''''s re colicated than you think to be an official. One can hardly insist on his conscience after experiencin officialdo I anot fit to be an official. Besides, I don''''t care even if others lauh at and talk about ." 做官并没有那么那么容易,受过官场洗练之人是很难守住本心的,我不认为我自己是一个适合做官的人,况且我根本不在乎他人如何谈论于我。 Instantly, Xu Qianqian stopped speakin and just looked at hiquietly. Just now, she put herself in his shoes! 瞬间,徐芊芊不说话了,只是静静地看着他。刚才她居然以已度人了。 You think you are considerin hibut are just usin your criteria to do thins for hi 你认为你是在为他着想,但你只是在用你自己的为人处世的标准去衡量他。 Who is this youn ster in front of you? How can you coare yourself to soone like hi 可是你眼前的这位少爷是谁?你这样的人又怎么能他这样的人相提并论? He is a person everyone''''s proud of, while you are a person everyone abandons. There''''s a world of difference between you two! 他是天之骄子,而你是天之弃女。他和你之间是天壤之别的。 Individual coarability can only be achieved when their abilities and talents are equivalent. 人与人之间的可比性只能是两者综合能力相当,天赋等同的情况下。 You two are people frodifferent worlds. It is wron to put yourself in his shoes! Fundantally wron! 他和你不是一个世界上的人,以你自己为参照物来对比他的感受来感同身受就是错的,原则上的错误! "Youn ster, sorry for the offence. I co froa hule backround and lack wisdo I don''''t deserve to have such a conversation with you." “公子,我若有唐突之处还请见谅,我身份卑微,见识短浅,实不配与公子谈论此等话题。” How can she put herself in his shoes? 她怎么能用自己为参照和他这样的人感同身受? Bein an official, ny poor n have racked their brains to participate in the ierial exanation, hopin to achieve success and fa. Once you''''re an official, you''''ll be superior to others. 当官,当官,多少寒门子弟挤破了头脑也要参加科举,希望能够功成名就,一跃龙门来个鲤鱼翻身,从此脱胎换骨高人一等。 You won''''t have to worry about bein able to enjoy life''''s pleasures. Workin in fancy places with people servin you looks like a lorious job. 不愁吃喝享乐还备受尊敬,有身份,有地位。衣食住行皆有人伺候。 The poor ones like us could never see the liht of day because few of us can succeed in the ierial exa 但是大部分我们这些寒门子弟也没有这样的出头之日,因为考上的毕竟是极少数。 Yes, bein an official is challenin, but nothin is easy in this world. 是,做官并没有那么那么容易,但是人活在世又有哪件事情是容易的。 People''''s eyes are fiery, so everyone rushes to rab ood thins. Just look at the increasin nuer of people participatin in the annual ierial exanations, and you will know that the coetition is ettin re arduous and challenin. 世人的眼晴可都是火眼睛睛呀,所以好东西大家都蜂拥而至用抢,看看每年参加科举的人数只多不减,竞争越来越大,通过越来越难就知道了。 If bein an official is not a ood path, then there is no better path to take. 若是当官这条路还不好的话,那世上就没有其它更好的路可以走了。