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Chapter 49: Fourth Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

After ponderin a nt, he decided not to avoid this subject before her: "For , becon an official is the least I want to do."


"But scholars all deterned to be an official, you will be seen as an outcast if your studies won''''t help you beco an official."


"It''''s re colicated than you think to be an official. One can hardly insist on his conscience after experiencin officialdo I anot fit to be an official. Besides, I don''''t care even if others lauh at and talk about ."


Instantly, Xu Qianqian stopped speakin and just looked at hiquietly. Just now, she put herself in his shoes!


You think you are considerin hibut are just usin your criteria to do thins for hi


Who is this youn ster in front of you? How can you coare yourself to soone like hi


He is a person everyone''''s proud of, while you are a person everyone abandons. There''''s a world of difference between you two!


Individual coarability can only be achieved when their abilities and talents are equivalent.


You two are people frodifferent worlds. It is wron to put yourself in his shoes! Fundantally wron!


"Youn ster, sorry for the offence. I co froa hule backround and lack wisdo I don''''t deserve to have such a conversation with you."


How can she put herself in his shoes?


Bein an official, ny poor n have racked their brains to participate in the ierial exanation, hopin to achieve success and fa. Once you''''re an official, you''''ll be superior to others.


You won''''t have to worry about bein able to enjoy life''''s pleasures. Workin in fancy places with people servin you looks like a lorious job.


The poor ones like us could never see the liht of day because few of us can succeed in the ierial exa


Yes, bein an official is challenin, but nothin is easy in this world.


People''''s eyes are fiery, so everyone rushes to rab ood thins. Just look at the increasin nuer of people participatin in the annual ierial exanations, and you will know that the coetition is ettin re arduous and challenin.


If bein an official is not a ood path, then there is no better path to take.


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