Without waitin for his reply, she thouht about what day it was today. The ierial exanation is con soon. Why didn''''t this youn ster study hard to prepare for the ierial exanation? Why was he still in the od to co here and stroll around? However, her intuition told her that this youn ster was definitely not a fop. She could tell that he had extraordinary talent frohis knowlede. 不待他回答,她想了想现在的日子,好像离大考不远了,怎么这公子不努力备考参加科举金榜题名,还有闲情逸致来这里闲逛?但是直觉告诉她这公子一定不是什么纨绔子弟,从他的学识中可以看出这是个腹有乾坤胸藏锦绣之人。 But why did he o to the entertainnt parlor at such a critical nt? Could it be that he had encountered so proble" 可是为什么在这个紧要关头他会去歌伎坊?莫非是遇到了什么难题? “Youn ster, the ierial exanation is con. Are you havin trouble?” When she thouht of this, she said to hi 想到这里她的话就说了出来:“公子,马上就要大考了,为何?公子可是遇到了什么难题?” She reretted it iediately after she said that. How could a person of his status be in trouble? What could she do to help hieven if he was in trouble? It wasn''''t sinificant to talk with her; it was like talkin to a wall. 话说出口后她就后悔了,他这样身份的人怎么会有什么困难,即便是他遇到了困难自己这样的人能帮到他吗?和自己说无异于是对牛弹琴毫无意义。 Moreover, even thouh she said she would repay his kindness, a noble youn ster wouldn''''t have anythin to ask of her. It''''s unlikely that she could do sothin he can''''t. 更何况她虽然口口声声地说报恩,但是想必这样身份的公子也不可能有什么事要求于她,或者自己能办到他不能办到的事。 She just said these words as a courtesy. He ht not take it to heart, nor did she. 所谓的报恩她也只是嘴上说的客套话,他想对方也未必会放在心上,所以她自己自然而然也没有放在心上。 She was not a hothead and knew her lits. Of course, she would help hiif soday he needed her help. 她不是一个愣头青,她有自己的分寸,当然,如果有一天,他真的需要她的帮助,她一定会还他这个恩情的。 They only t by chance. They ht never see each other after biddin farewell to each other today. 他们二人不过是萍水相逢,今日告别后两个从此各奔东西,以后估计也见不着了吧? She was an intellient won, but she was very slow when it ca to rontic relationships. The youn ster in front of her was not a nosy person! 她这样聪明的女子唯独对感情很是迟钝,对方可不是一个爱管闲事的人呀! If she were a heartless person, then this youn ster would not be a kind person either. He was well-known for bein cold-hearted. Even his delicate appearance could not hide his aloof and cold heart. 若她自己是个无心之人,那对方可也不是什么善心之人,他可是出了名的冷心冷肺。温润如玉的外表也遮不住那颗孤傲清冷的心。 However, he paid particular attention to her and was entle and patient. 只是他对她的事情格外注意,对待她的一切格外地温柔且有耐心罢了。 To ke a livin in entertainnt, bein cautious in words and deeds is the foundation of survival. 对于她这样在欢场营生的人,谨言慎行本是立身生存之本。 She shouldn''''t have said such a thin without thinkin. She didn''''t realize she was less uarded aainst hithan she was to others frothe beinnin. 她未经思考说出这样的话实在是太不应该了,她自己都没有发觉其实在他这里她的防备之心从一开始就比对待他人少了几分。 After all, she treated hidifferently. 她待他终究是不同的。 It''''s always easier for an outsider to see and think clearly. 只是当局者迷,旁观者清罢了。