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Chapter 46: Fourth Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

Without waitin for his reply, she thouht about what day it was today. The ierial exanation is con soon. Why didn''''t this youn ster study hard to prepare for the ierial exanation? Why was he still in the od to co here and stroll around? However, her intuition told her that this youn ster was definitely not a fop. She could tell that he had extraordinary talent frohis knowlede.


But why did he o to the entertainnt parlor at such a critical nt? Could it be that he had encountered so proble"


“Youn ster, the ierial exanation is con. Are you havin trouble?” When she thouht of this, she said to hi


She reretted it iediately after she said that. How could a person of his status be in trouble? What could she do to help hieven if he was in trouble? It wasn''''t sinificant to talk with her; it was like talkin to a wall.


Moreover, even thouh she said she would repay his kindness, a noble youn ster wouldn''''t have anythin to ask of her. It''''s unlikely that she could do sothin he can''''t.


She just said these words as a courtesy. He ht not take it to heart, nor did she.


She was not a hothead and knew her lits. Of course, she would help hiif soday he needed

her help.


They only t by chance. They ht never see each other after biddin farewell to each other today.


She was an intellient won, but she was very slow when it ca to rontic relationships. The youn ster in front of her was not a nosy person!


If she were a heartless person, then this youn ster would not be a kind person either. He was well-known for bein cold-hearted. Even his delicate appearance could not hide his aloof and cold heart.


However, he paid particular attention to her and was entle and patient.


To ke a livin in entertainnt, bein cautious in words and deeds is the foundation of survival.


She shouldn''''t have said such a thin without thinkin. She didn''''t realize she was less uarded aainst hithan she was to others frothe beinnin.


After all, she treated hidifferently.


It''''s always easier for an outsider to see and think clearly.


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新书推荐: 枯木仙缘 覆灭法师 痞子战神王雨轩 通天道观 开局异世领主,帝国与美人我都要 综武:人在古墓,开局和小龙女订娃娃亲 本想当个普通人,你却夺我天阴骨 我就种个地,怎么长出御姐和萝莉了? 逢凶化吉,从九龙夺嫡开始 被诬陷逐出师门,反手让你全宗立坟