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Chapter 45:Fourth Meet四见(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

As the proverb oes, a drop of water should be returned by a sprin.


Whatever, she should pay hiback whether he needed it or not.


“Miss, you can find if you need help, and you know where!”Then there was a sentence that suddenly ca to her nd.


Could he be waitin for her here?


NO, She shouldn’t flatter herself.


It st be a coincidence!


"What a coincidence! The two of thewere truly fated." The n thouht.


"It''''s a ood fate, but not fated."The won thouht.


He is youn and prosin and a rare talent. Such a person st be sobody. A person who has de a na for hielf should not associate with soone like her and brin stain to his life."


Perhaps ny people had their own choices and could walk different paths in life, but the heavens only ave her one way.


Life is like a bow and arrow, once you draw it, there''''s no turnin back.


She didn''''t have a choice. She could only walk the only path and had to do her best to walk as far as she could. She still hoped she could reach the end, despite the hope bein sli The cold wind chilled her to her bones, but still, she wanted to liht a la of hope for herself.


She st persevere until the end. No one can help her but herself.


A tender-hearted person tends to be hurt by a heartless person.


When facin soone exceptional like hi what she can do is keep her heart as calas still water.


He saw that she was haard and in a bad state of nd. It was obvious that she was not sleepin well.


He was such an intellient person that he could understand everythin at a lance, not to ntion that he was at the scene yesterday, so he knew it very well.




“Youn ster”


They both paid courtesy to each other and bowed.


"Thanks for what you did that day. I''''ll surely repay you in the future."


“Is there anythin disturbin on your nd? You can tell . If you don’t nd, I can do you a little favor.” He asked carefully.


"Don''''t bother, Youn ster, and you''''ve done a lot for . I st live on own. "Was this youn ster addicted to helpin others? Why did he want to offer her help as soon as he saw her? But she didn''''t like to trouble others for no reason, so she iediately refused politely.


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新书推荐: 枯木仙缘 覆灭法师 痞子战神王雨轩 通天道观 开局异世领主,帝国与美人我都要 综武:人在古墓,开局和小龙女订娃娃亲 本想当个普通人,你却夺我天阴骨 我就种个地,怎么长出御姐和萝莉了? 逢凶化吉,从九龙夺嫡开始 被诬陷逐出师门,反手让你全宗立坟