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Chapter 37: Third Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

One can not choose one''''s birthplace. It is not her fault.


Under such circutances, she had done a reat job and had been stron enouh.


It was hard to escape one''''s nature. Today, he saw what she was truly de of.


The water can never be too deep, and the untains can never be too hih.


Greatness lies in hun nature.


She was so stron that it de people feel sorry for her. After a while, she ca to her senses, left his ar, stood up, and bowed deeply to hi


"Miss, sorry for the offense today."


“Thank you, Youn Master. I will bear your kindness in nd. I will defy all obstacles to accolish it if you ever need help in the future.”


How danerous today. She was this close to ettin screwed by that evil n.


"Miss, you''''re welco. Under such circutances, everyone will lend you a hand."


"Youn ster, you''''d better leave here soon. Moreover, a n and a won should keep a distance froeach other. Sorry for the inconvenience."


Indeed, this was not a place where he should stay. He did not want to show up in such a place in the first place, but it happened so suddenly that he was cauht off uard. Now, he realized what kind of place this was. And unconsciously, he stayed here for so lon. Nevertheless, he’d better leave quickly.


"Miss, this is not a place for you to stay for a lon ti. If you want to, I''''willin to help you leave this sad place with a new identity."


"Youn Master, Thank you for your kindness, but everyone should fiht their destiny. The journey of life is destined to be lonely. It''''s iossible to rely on others for everythin. Youn Master, you''''d better leave this place quickly!"


"I''''ll be takin leave then. Miss, you can find if you need help, and you know where. Please take care!"


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