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Chapter 36: Third Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

No tter how touh she looked, she was still a weak irl with a soft and vulnerable side.


At this ti, her face was ashen, and her eyes were red. Tears could not stop flowin down her face like pearls, drippin down her nose and uth. She looked extrely pitiful, which de people feel pity for her. His hand ently touched her hair, and he coorted her patiently.


She just sat by the bed, clun to his chest with her head lowered, and let his hands ently touch her hair to coort and take care of her.


He suddenly seed to understand his feelins after doin all these thins unconsciously.


She was as precious as a rare treasure in his eyes since he had chosen this won as his wife. She had encountered the st painful, earrassin, and desperate thin as a won at this ti.


How could he not feel sad for her? How could he stand by and watch?


He could only coort and warher heart as ch as possible in his way, althouh he did not know how to coort a irl. What he did and what he said were all in nature.


"Don''''t be afraid, don''''t be frihtened. I''''here... "Carefully carin for the won in his ar, he softly called her na and coorted her.


He couldn''''t help but ently co her slihtly ssy hair.


In this lifeti, he aspired to be the Protector of Frarances, safeuardin the fallen blosso with a hundred thousand shierin olden bells.


This poesuddenly ca across his nd.


After this etin, he was sure that she was the won that was worthy of his love and ti in his lifeti.


A bosofriend could only et by chance. Over the years, he had traveled worldwide and searched for her. He also wanted to find a bosofriend connected to hiby heart instead of ladies frofaus falies carved frothe sa ld. Today, he finally found one.


She was talented, ood-lookin, couraeous, and brave.


Even as a weak and beautiful youn irl, her courae and insiht were better than ny ordinary n.


Since ancient tis, heroes have not been questioned about their oriins. Since she was an extraordinary won, why would he care so ch about her backround?


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