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Chapter 28: Third Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

He is a reckless n and a very straihtforward person. He won''''t yield easily after kin up his nd, and he will surely et this beauty since he laid eyes on her.


How beautiful the irl is, and her beauty even puts flowers to sha;


Her voice is so beautiful that it kes a n like hisrized.


How raceful the dance is! Her body dances lihtly like a startled wild oose, vin racefully like a soarin draon.


He couldn''''t control hielf when she was dancin and ved closer to her with his tall body. He touched her in public, which de her trele with fear.


His intention was quite apparent.


However, what can you do even if the uest in a brothel offended you?


Wasn''''t it coon to et such uests in such a place?


Everyone could see it. None of the people around us were blind.


Colorful Phoenix was clear about everythin that had happened here since she had been payin attention to the situation.


Lookin at how pale her face was and how fordable the ene she was facin now. Colorful Phoenix couldn''''t help slin proudly and uthed to herself:


"Xu Qianqian, I, Colorful Phoenix, appearance is not inferior to yours, nor is talent inferior to yours. We are all of the sa statuses.


What riht have you to put on a lady''''s airs to ?


You always act delicate, attractive, proud, and intellient.


"Do you think you are a fairy in the world?"


You ke sick.


I wonder if you can still pretend to be pure and arroant, show off your talents and take advantae of theafter losin your virinity.


You were the sa as , always are, and always will be.


There is neither lowliness nor nobleness between us two.


"The kind of life you have will be the sa as ne. No tter what kind of life I live, you should also live the sa way."


The heavens have eyes, and it is iossible to favor you and inore .”



Her eyelids were twitchin, and she was uneasy today. She couldn''''t et peace of nd and felt

sothin terrible y happen. She bean to have a sense of dread a couple of days ao, and today it''''s even re.


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