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Chapter 27: Third Meet 三见(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

I''''not helpin thebut self.


I alookin for the liht in this full of dark place. I want to preserve honor in this dirty place.我在黑暗中寻找着阳光,我在淤泥里想办法让自己身子从头到脚地干干净净。

When she is so busy helpin another, the youn ster she saw today is busy investiatin her backround.


He was disappointed when he ot the results of the investiation. It turned out that the irl was a faus courtesan. His affection heart suddenly poured by a basin of cold water, and he iediately ave up on this irl. They just don’t fit.


What a talented irl she is. What a sha!


His pride and his status wouldn''''t allow hito have anythin to do with a dancer.


He avoided her when he saw the irl in the secret arden aain ever so that they never t aain. Of course, that''''s another story.


He will not see her aain in this life and forever and ever.


The Cowherd Star, Briht on the Milky Way, the Maid is far in the skies.


Lihtly her snowy finers raise, join her shuttle throuh its ze.


Perhaps the two aren''''t ant to be toether.



The third ti they t was when he refused to take the exaand be an official, and he wanted to travel around for a few re years.


However, his parents vehently opposed hibecause he had traveled for ny years before and finally returned to the capital. It was ti for hito settle down since he had rown up already. What''''s funnier was that his ther bean to set up blind dates for hisince he wanted to leave, hopin he could settle down his wanderin heart after ettin rried.


He wanted to cry but had no tears. No one could understand hi so he walked alone. Suddenly he ca to the entertainnt parlor, the first ti he had been to such a place.


He couldn''''t even iine hielf in a place like this.


This ti he saved her and discovered a side of her that he didn''''t know existed.


She t a troubleso and challenin n inside the entertainnt parlor.


She had been oin to play the zither and sin, but the uest insisted on dancin for hi


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新书推荐: 下山霍霍师姐们 僵尸:我是修仙界的异类 万古唯神 仙妻如云 我真不想吃软饭啊(仙醉) 逆仙行者 综武:长生万古,每天自动变强 擎天仙族 三十六重天游记 综武:家族兴旺,从娶邀月开始