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Chapter 22: Lending a Hand 助(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

"No one here owed you ney. Can you stop pullin such a lon face? We''''re in business now. Business, understand? We have to sle, and no one will want you if you''''re like that. How are we doin business? Do you still think that you are a noble lady?

Do you even know what kind of place this is? I athe boss here, and you should listen to and do everythin bein told. Otherwise, don''''t bla for bein ruthless."


When she returned to the entertainnt parlor, she saw a new irl bein beaten and scolded by their boss.


Thouh the irl shivered with beatins and abuse, her teeth were still clenched, and she was the kind of unyieldin irl she had seldoseen.


What a touh, proud, and fearless irl she is in the face of challenes.

It was hard for her to ve after seein this because she saw sothin of herself in this irl.


At least the irl in front of her had the courae to fiht back, but she wasn''''t even capable of an act like that back then.


At least, this irl’s fate is better than she was, and she would certainly live better than she had if she had overco this difficulty.


She doesn’t think she is a ood or nosy person, but she can’t help but lend a hand to irls like herself.


They have her character and her will to fiht, her unyieldin, her endurin, her helplessness, and her despair.


She has no faly and no sisters, but her sisters are everywhere.


We are all unfortunate people.


She couldn’t ve her feet, and she had to help her even thouh she didn’t want to because she couldn’t control her inner voice.


You don''''t have to ask her what''''s happenin because it happens constantly in their industry.


So irls refuse to cooperate, refuse to listen to the boss, and are very stubborn, but they eventually accept their fate one by one. The one who is too stubborn, unyieldin, and afraid of nothin is tortured to death or beaten to death directly.


There are no idle or useless people here. The irls who co here are the ney trees rown by the boss. How to shake the How do they et the ney down? How to et re ney faster? That depends on the irl’s opportunities and fate.


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