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Chapter 21: Second Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

A youn ster with such a backround looks down on irls like her. She is a contradictory irl. She looks down on these people who are after her beauty, and they are all ill-intentioned and rotted inside because true entlen will not co to the entertainnt parlor, and the n who arrives is no ood.


She feels inferior deep inside to the one who isn''''t after her beauty, such as the youn ster in front of her. He is the kind of person she is st iressed with. She couldn''''t even lift her head before hi How could she not feel inferior? This reality kes her heart colder.


I don''''t want anythin, so I don''''t expect anythin. We just t by chance, that''''s all. She thouht to herself.


She left without havin any affection because she was very rational. There are two different kinds of people in the world. They shouldn’t et each other.


Because she saw throuh and had a clear thouht about herself, she left without any hesitation or feelins.


She didn''''t ask the na of this youn ster and left no infortion behind. Her attitude was clear: I don''''t want to see you aain, farewell.


And for the first ti in his life, he had t a beautiful, talented won who was not interested in hi


The re curious he beca, the re he wanted to see her aain, and the re he wanted to know all about her, so he sent soone to investiate her.


The reeds and rushes are deeply reen, and the white dew is turned into hoarfrost.


The irl whoI think is sowhere on the water.


I o up the streain quest of her, But the way is colex and lon.


And lo! She is riht in the dst of the water.


The reeds and rushes are luxuriant, and the white dew is not yet dry.


The irl of whoI think, is on the rin of the water.


I o up the streain quest of her, But the way is rued and steep.


I o down the streain quest of her, And lo! She is on the islet in the water.


Her beauty kes people unable to take their eyes off her. What’s re, she is beautiful, well-read, and hihly talented. She is well-versed in sic, chess, poetry, and paintin. A irl like her is worth his ti.


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