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Chapter 14: First Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

“You will have an iortant exa How are you preparin ?Do you have any confidence in it?”


“I st do best to win lory and fa for our faly.”


"Of all sons, you are the one I value st. You traveled a few years ao and wanted to avoid takin the exa You said you wanted to study re than to be an official at a youn ae. I have fully supported you, and now it''''s your ti to ke so achievents."


“I aettin old. You will shoulder the burden of our faly in the future. For our faly and yourself, you should be steady to win a prosin future to be a nister and even a rquis.”


“Yes. I will follow your instructions.”


"I won''''t keep you any loner. Your ti can''''t be wasted. Go back to the Ierial Acade for review as soon as possible."


"I''''oin back to the Ierial Acade."


Lookin at the back of his second son leavin, he was proud of hibut also sined for hi


Gan Luo beca a nister at the ae of 12. He has undoubtedly been brilliant and extraordinary since childhood, but he is not interested in fa and power and travels worldwide. What a waste of talent!


He said sothin like life is like a drea It''''s unreal and chaneable. Fa and wealth are just teorary. They are as transient as a fleetin cloud.


I''''d rather live a carefree life and travel worldwide to see different scenery.


His na would surely o down in history if he had any aition, but he''''s been travelin for years and doesn''''t want to take the exa


Althouh he is the top talent in the capital and a role del for all the scholars.


But it''''s just a bubble na. How can we ke achievents without bein an official and holdin power?


We have not lacked any talented uys since ancient tis, but only one who holds reat power can ke outstandin achievents, be reered by history, and serve the coon people better.


He de so influential friends. When he returned to the capital, he accidentally ained reconition frothe crown prince.


"I know what you''''re capable of, I intend to recoend you to the ierial court, and you can serve the country riht away. What do you think?" The crown prince said to hi


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