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Chapter 15: Second Meet 二见(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

"Your Hihness, thanks for thinkin hihly of . I wish to stay at the Ierial Collee and learn re because I''''not knowledeable enouh to serve the country now." But he refused politely.


He has been intellient since childhood but is indifferent to fa and power and has no aition or aspiration.


So it’s hard for hito do reat and ke his na o down in history.



"My Lady, slow down. It''''s windy outside. You stn''''t catch a cold. Plus, put on the cloak quickly.” Do you want to o with you? ”


"No. I want to o alone, and I won''''t stay lon. Don''''t worry about . I''''ve been there ny tis.

I avery faliar with that place. You know , I just want to enjoy the quietness and relax. I won''''t have it if you o with ."


I walked throuh the crowd with cloak, hued self tihtly, and I didn''''t feel cold as I stepped out into the bitter cold air.


The street was crowded with people. There was a twinkle of wonder in their eyes when they saw this youn beauty.


So were older people, and there were even three or four ddle-aed won.


They looked at curiously, with wary eyes, envious eyes, and adrin eyes.


I felt nothin and didn’t want any attention, so I wore a veil when I was out, even thouh I still ot so unwanted attention.


I went to the quiet place as quickly as I could. Nature. The quiet of nature is favorite place.


Althouh there are no birds and flowers, and every lass is yellow or bare branches, I still feel very coortable here. It is like a vast sea surroundin . The quiet place intoxicated .


I haven''''t felt this way in a lon ti.


It''''s an opportunity to find such a quiet place in the capital while everywhere is bustle and noisy. Althouh I aa won frothe entertainnt parlor, I also want to be close to the books.


There is only rass and trees around, no birds sinin in winter, only quiet, quiet to the point that I can hear nothin else but footsteps, breathin, and the voice of the breeze blowin over.


I enjoy the quiet ti happily by self.


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