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Chapter 9: First Mee 一见(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

I ot out of the boat and stood on the bow aainst the wind.


So say I aa ney rubber because I only care about ney rather than people, no tter who it is. Soone says that I arefined and out of the ordinary, just like the oddess. I look down on the people in industry, includin self.


The so-called refined and out-of-ordinary are just the surface. If you''''ve seen the essence beneath the surface, you will discover I aa contradiction irl.


I was doin what I hated and becon a person I disliked, ot an identity I loathed the st.


Life is such a contradiction, but now I have no way to solve this contradiction. We have to live on, althouh daily life is in contradiction.


I sneaked out alone and enjoyed the wind on the river because I was tired of this kind of life. I like to be alone in such a quiet place. I can be self only at tis like this.


The five lakes tour, the worry everywhere. Floatin and sinkin throuh the aes, and who asked the East?


A plain skirt irl stood on the bow aainst the wind—the eroidered skirt flutters in the wind, just like a fairy con down to earth.


The fairy has an allurin face and sles coortably, and her sle is as sweet as peach blosso. She see in a ood od, and her eyes are full of happiness.


What a fair lady.


She has the perfect body and the perfect heiht.


Her shoulder line looks chiseled, and her waist is tiny.


Her skin is soth, and her teeth are neat and white.


With her lovely forehead and skinny eyebrows, she''''s truly a beauty.


The scene reflected in his eyes is like this. He accoanied so friends to tour the lake and play chess today. He ot out of the boat by hielf when he felt a little bored after sittin in it for a lon ti. Who knew he would see such a beauty when he lifted the curtain of the boat? The world is suddenly filled with colors like a fairy fallin frothe skies. There is nothin re beautiful and charn than her. Her face and body are heavenly de. She is exceedinly beautiful nonetheless.


Iression stly beins with a pretty face!


He is no ordinary but the son of the pri nister and born with a hih rank, thouh he is entle, polite, and dest. But no one dares to be arroant in front of hi


There are only a few people that he enuinely respects in this world, includin so nobles and royalty an the


So he has never really lost a deal for so ny years.


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新书推荐: 下山霍霍师姐们 僵尸:我是修仙界的异类 万古唯神 仙妻如云 我真不想吃软饭啊(仙醉) 逆仙行者 综武:长生万古,每天自动变强 擎天仙族 三十六重天游记 综武:家族兴旺,从娶邀月开始