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Chapter 8: Live a Happy Life(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

Sentintal value can only work when two people are equal or disadvantaed people still et the nistandards.


If you are still courted by reed to handle what exceeds one''''s abilities when you don''''t et the requirents, you y run into so lecher n and be his stress.


The self-cultivation of a won is to try our best to ke these delinquent people out of our social circle. All n who "wander" outside are not worthy of one lance of a ood won, whatever the excuses are.


A real outstandin n st be overconfident and self-conceited, like a won. They are the hardest to et close to, althouh they y look entle, polite, and dest unless you have sothin worthwhile that attracts the  真正优秀的男人一般都有着一颗骄傲自负的心,这一点和我们女人是一样的,别看他们平时文质彬彬谦恭有礼,其实是最难靠近的,除非你自己有值得让对方靠近的价值。

We are the sa in ny thins, althouh??n and won are different in ender.


So the true entlen will not co to the entertainnt parlor while the n who arrives is no ood.


Most n who co to the entertainnt parlor are here to flirt with beautiful won. Won like us will surely be their stresses outside or their secret lovers or secret affair if we entrust ourselves to a n like this.  这些来歌伎坊的男人大多都是图我们女人的色相而已,像我们这样的女子若把自己的终身托付给这些男人一定会让自己成为他们的外室,成为他们的秘密情人或者见不得人的外遇。

It can be a ood endin if they kick us out when they et tired of us soday. At least you are with a wealthy youn ster. If you are blind and et a ruthless swindler, They will sell you and ke you their ney-kin tool. Then you will be re serable.  等到玩腻的那一天就一脚踹开,遇到这样的结局还算好的,至少自己遇到的是真正的有钱人,真正的富贵公子,若是自己有眼无珠,遇到一些不怀好意的骗子,把自己卖掉去赚钱,成为他们的赚钱工具,那就更凄苦了。

It’s norl and understandable to et a casual and eleant youn n like Master Li, who is afraid to rry you.


Won like us should not fall in love, even if we are clean and preserve our honor very well.


If you want to rry a ood husband, you should at least have a proper backround, even if you are not froa renowned faly. I can only dreaof this but never et it because of experience, so I ive up for the rest of life.


My life is all about actin and actin skills, ney, and re ney.

I have been in this industry for ny years and have acculated a lot of wealth and beco re wealthy, but who will think their ney is too ch?


I have no other pursuit but to et richer in this lifeti. The re prosperous I beco, the happier I will be.


I ended up in the??entertainnt parlor??because I was so poor. I will never be noble in this lifeti, so I st be a rich won with unrivaled fortunes.


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