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Chapter 24 : Departure(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 明月之寂 但为君故(双重生) 小轩窗,相顾有千言(重生) 错配良缘 娇宠为后 太子今天也在暗戳戳追妻 九曲歌 [原神]相亲回忆录 念玉令 偏偏钟意你[娱乐圈]

Even if I didn\''''t rry into the royal faly, I would still rry into a distinuished one. Because of these rurs, I intentionally distanced self frohi avoided hi and hid frohi


As clever as he was, he quickly noticed and understood the reason. He tactfully stopped intrudin on life, seenly vanishin fro world.


I was relieved to have encountered soone so perceptive.


I stopped visitin the fields where I used to see hiand the woods where we often t. However, this wasn\''''t a sustainable solution. I planned to leave this place and seek a new countryside life without hi


I decided to depart the followin day. Toniht was last niht in this villae, where I had resided for six nths. I had rown faliar with the people and the surroundins. I would ss this place when I left.


On final niht, I clied onto the roof to take a ood look at this place I would likely never return to.


The stunnin onliht rended of the sayin, \"Lookin up to the briht on, I think of hotown.\"


\"Youn lady,\" a sudden voice ca frobelow. Cauht off uard, I lost balance and fell frothe roof.


I thouht I would be injured, but I landed in a warerace instead.


Lookin up, I saw the youn n aain. I quickly leaped out of his ar.


\"I\''''sorry I startled you and frihtened you. Thankfully, you weren\''''t hurt.\"


\"Why are you here so late?\"


\"Do you really not want to see that badly?\"


I didn\''''t answer, ilyin areent.


\"I don\''''t understand what I\''''ve done recently to offend you that you treat like a snake or scorpion.\"


\"You haven\''''t offended . It\''''s just that n and won shouldn\''''t be too close to avoid ossip.\"


\"So, it\''''s about this tter. I think you are soone who doesn\''''t care about trivialities. Besides, I do love you.\"


\"You...\" I hadn\''''t expected such a poor youn n to have such kind of courae. His character was entle like water, efficient in handlin tters, and astonishinly straihtforward reardin etions.


There was no possibility between hiand . Since it was iossible, I couldn\''''t ive hihope. How could I reject hiwithout crushin his spirit? I devised a plan.


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