Even if I didn\''''t rry into the royal faly, I would still rry into a distinuished one. Because of these rurs, I intentionally distanced self frohi avoided hi and hid frohi 我就是不嫁给皇族,也一定会嫁给名门望族。因为有了这些风言风语,我开始刻意和他拉开距离,刻意回避他,刻意躲着他。 As clever as he was, he quickly noticed and understood the reason. He tactfully stopped intrudin on life, seenly vanishin fro world. 聪明如他很快就发觉了,也很快想明白了原因,他也知趣地不再来打扰我的生活,好像从我身边消失了一般。 I was relieved to have encountered soone so perceptive. 难得一个聪明人,我内心还是很高兴的。 I stopped visitin the fields where I used to see hiand the woods where we often t. However, this wasn\''''t a sustainable solution. I planned to leave this place and seek a new countryside life without hi 我不再行走于那片经常能碰到他的田野,也不再漫步于经常和他邂逅的山林,但是这不是长久之计,我打算离开这里,另外找一个没有他的乡下生活。 I decided to depart the followin day. Toniht was last niht in this villae, where I had resided for six nths. I had rown faliar with the people and the surroundins. I would ss this place when I left. 我打算明天就离开这里,今天是我在这个村的最后一晚,在这里生活了半年之久,我既熟悉了周围的人,也同时熟悉了周围的环境。明天就离开了,对这里还是有所怀念的。 On final niht, I clied onto the roof to take a ood look at this place I would likely never return to. 在这天的最后一晚,我上了屋顶,去好好看看这个我应该不会再回来的地方。 The stunnin onliht rended of the sayin, \"Lookin up to the briht on, I think of hotown.\" 月色很美,让我想到了“举头望明月,低头思故乡” \"Youn lady,\" a sudden voice ca frobelow. Cauht off uard, I lost balance and fell frothe roof. “姑娘”突然脚下传来声音,我一个不慎,从房顶摔下来。 I thouht I would be injured, but I landed in a warerace instead. 本以为这次会受伤不小,可是没想到摔入了一个温暖的怀抱中。 Lookin up, I saw the youn n aain. I quickly leaped out of his ar. 抬头一看,又是那位少年。我忙从他的怀抱中跳了下来。 \"I\''''sorry I startled you and frihtened you. Thankfully, you weren\''''t hurt.\" “是我不好,吓着你了,让你受惊了,还好没有受伤。” \"Why are you here so late?\" “这么晚了,你怎么来了?” \"Do you really not want to see that badly?\" “姑娘就这么不愿意见到在下吗?” I didn\''''t answer, ilyin areent. 我没有答话,表示默认。 \"I don\''''t understand what I\''''ve done recently to offend you that you treat like a snake or scorpion.\" “在下不明白最近有哪些地方得罪了姑娘,让姑娘这样地对在下避如蛇蝎?” \"You haven\''''t offended . It\''''s just that n and won shouldn\''''t be too close to avoid ossip.\" “你没有得罪我,只是男女不应该走得太近,以免招来闲言碎语。” \"So, it\''''s about this tter. I think you are soone who doesn\''''t care about trivialities. Besides, I do love you.\" “原来是为这件事,我看姑娘是个不拘小节的性子,况且在下确实心悦姑娘。” \"You...\" I hadn\''''t expected such a poor youn n to have such kind of courae. His character was entle like water, efficient in handlin tters, and astonishinly straihtforward reardin etions. “你……”我没有想到如此一个穷少年有这样的胆子,他的性格如此地温柔如水,但是办起事来如此地不拖泥带水,面对感情居然也如此。 There was no possibility between hiand . Since it was iossible, I couldn\''''t ive hihope. How could I reject hiwithout crushin his spirit? I devised a plan. 我和他绝无可能,既然不可能就不能够给对方希望,那要如何才能既拒绝对方,又不让对方意志消沉呢?我计上心来。