Suddenly, I heard a danerous sound and instinctively knew soone was approachin. Althouh I aa well-bred lady frothe Cui faly, I have lived throuh turbulent tis, learnin horse ridin and huntin. I aalso proficient with a un, which I always carry with . 突然我听到了危险的声音,下意识我就知道有人靠近了,我虽然是名门闺秀,崔氏之女。但是我生活在乱世,骑马射猎我都学过,并且我还会枪,而且我还随身都携带了枪。 I would never dare to wander alone in rete areas without bein well-prepared. Because I have a un, I felt secure. 如果不是早有防备,我绝对不敢一个人孤身在荒郊野外上行走。因为有枪,所以我有恃无恐。 \"Don\''''t ve!\" I aid un at the suspicious straner. “不许动!”我拿着枪对准了这个来路不明的人。 \"Miss, it\''''s ,\" the person revealed an exquisite face, and it turned out to be the youn n I t workin in the fields. “姑娘,是我”只见对方露出了一张五官非常精致的脸,原来是那个田间劳作的少年。 \"How did you end up here?\" I asked, still feelin apprehensive and cautious. “你怎么会在这里?”我心有余悸,并且防范着他道。 \"Why are you here, Miss? This place is seldotraveled, and wild anils often pass throuh. It\''''s not safe for a youn lady like you.\" “姑娘为什么会在这里?这里无人经过,并且时常有野兽经过,你一个姑娘家,很不安全的。” \"What\''''s there to be afraid of when I have this?\" I lanced at the un in hand, ilyin ability to protect self. “我有这个又有什么可怕的呢?”我用眼神瞄了瞄我手上的枪。 ………… I later discovered that I would frequently encounter the youn n at this location. He was also deeply passionate about enhancin crop yields, and I viewed hias a kindred spirit. 后来,我发现我在这里会经常碰到那个小伙子,他也很热心提高农作物产量的收成,他可以算是我的知音吧!至少我把他当作了知音。 I believe he was talented and intellient, soone who took the initiative. Even if such a person were born into a low-inco faly, he would eventually fore a respectable life for hielf. 在我心中的他有才华,有头脑,是个身体力行的人,这样的人即使是出身贫寒之家,也终将会混出一个有模有样的人生来的。 This notion is perfectly encapsulated by the sayin, \"Never underestite a poor youth.\" After all, isn\''''t the current New Dynasty eeror also froa hule backround? 莫欺少年穷说的就是这个意思,当今新王朝天子难道不也是草莽出身的吗? The ascent of the new dynasty eeror has instilled hope in the less fortunate and offered a vivid exale and unwaverin confidence for students con frodest backrounds. 新王朝皇的崛起让穷人看到了希望,让寒门学子有了明确的榜样和坚定的信心。 I was rely a knowledeable country irl, and he was sily a knowledeable country boy. 我只是一个有学识的乡下村姑,而他只是一个有学识的乡下少年。 Without the hindrance of social status, we beca reat friends. 没有身份的阻碍,我们成了很要好的朋友。 My heart was unburdened, seekin only to use skills to ke a aninful iact on the coon people, and he offered trendous support in this endeavor. 我心无一物,只求能以自己的能力为底层百姓做点有意义的事情,而他在这方面给了我很大的帮助。 Toether, we researched, discussed, experinted, clied untains, and traversed ddy terrain. 我们一起研究,一起探讨,一起做实验,一起攀高山,一起走过泥泞之地。 I would never have uessed that he was the current Crown Prince of the New Dynasty, Liu Hao, just as he likely couldn\''''t have iined that I was the renowned dauhter of the Cui faly, Cui Yu. 我从来没有想到过他会是当今新王朝太子刘昊,就像他也很难想象我就是名满天下的崔家崔玉。