"If you dare hit dauhter aain, I''''ll fiht you to the death!" I threatened hiwith a knife at dauhter''''s house. “你要是再敢打我女儿,我就跟你拼命!”我拿着刀跑到到女儿家指着女婿道。 There''''s no such thin as a free lunch in this world. How could a villae irl like dauhter rry a n of such hiher status? 这个世上从来就没有天上掉馅饼的事,一个山野村姑,即使容貌好点,又怎么能嫁到高出自己水平好几个层次的男人? My naive dauhter thouht she had rried well and chaned her fate, but she was too innocent. She never asked herself what qualities she possessed to deserve such a rriae. 事出反常必有妖,我那苦命的傻女儿以为抓住了婚姻,高嫁了,从此就改变了自己穷苦的命运,可是她终究是太天真了,也不自己想想,自己何德何能呢? Why would soone rry beneath the Was it for love? Or for talent? Or wealth? None of these. If soone rries down, it st be because they have irreparable flaws! 他人为什么甘愿低娶?是为了情?真的爱你如命?还是为了才?或者财?什么都不是,那他人低娶肯定是自己也有无法弥补的缺陷呀! As I row older, I often think about how wonderful it would be if I could live life aain. 人老了,就时常回想,如果我的人生能够重来一次那该多好呀! I look around and see people who, like , have been poor, suffered, and struled all their lives and who eventually died in sery. On the other hand, those who had better conditions in all aspects not only avoided the hardships we endured but also raised successful children. At the very least, their children didn''''t burden their parents and could stand on their own two feet. 我环顾四周,发现那些个和我一样的贫穷,和我一样的受尽磨难,和我一样苦的人一辈子也基本是一苦苦到死,而那些条件比我们好的,各方面都好的人。不仅不需要吃我们吃过的这些苦,儿女基本也都是成才的,至少虽不至于说能力大到光宗耀祖,至少不会拖累自己的老父亲老母亲,能自力更生,自立门户。 What is the reason for all of this? 这究竟是为了什么呢? Why is fate so unfair, kin life so full of sery? 为什么老天如此地不公,竟让我有一个这样凄苦的一生? Oh, heavens! You have been too unjust and cruel to ! 老天爷呀!你对我也太不公平了,太狠了点吧! In lifeti, I, Lotus, have contended with countless hardships, with resilience fored in blood, sweat, and tears. Yet, I rapple with an unnervin question - why, even on the precipice of death, does fate persist in its relentless lancholy? 我段莲奋斗了一辈子,一辈子的拼搏,一辈子的血泪,一辈子的不服输,怎么到死了还是这样一个万年不变的悲苦命运?怎么还是这样个一层不变的结局。 Without parents to turn to, I stand self-sufficient; without a husband''''s support, I dedicate life''''s vitality and hopes to children. I have drained spirit and enery, lonin for son to ascend like a phoenix and dauhter to rise likewise. 父母无依,我可以自强自立;夫君无靠,我把一生心血,一世的希望都寄托在他们的身上。我耗费了心神,熬透了心血,盼儿成凤,盼女成凰。 Frotheir tender ae, I have iressed upon thethe necessity of self-reliance, urin thenot to depend on others for their destiny. Education and success in exanations represent the st prosin path for children of poverty - the solitary exit fropoverty. 从小我就教导他们人要自强自立,自力更生,不得心存侥幸,妄图靠他人改变命运。对于穷人的孩子来说,好好读书,参加科举,金榜题名是最好的路,也是穷人唯一的出路。 Yet, two sons do not love learnin. Does this indicate a universal truth - that the father''''s vior deternes that of the son? 可是我这两个儿子就是不爱读书,难道是虎父无犬子,若上一代强,下一代也不弱。犬父无虎子,若上一代弱,下一代注定也是弱的吗?