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Chapter 92: New life(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

Since Grass and I left the entertainnt parlor and ca to this place, our only wish is to live an easy life.


Youn ster, You co froa distinuished faly. You''''re a person everyone''''s proud of. You''''d better stay away frosoone like . Please don''''t waste your ti with .


I cannot protect self with it, and I will surely et cauht in trouble if I entanle self with you."


"you''''re the one I love, and I can protect you. Wherever and whenever we are, I will protect you with all strenth. I will never let any harbefall you in any tter."


"You don''''t have to talk about rryin . I don''''t want to et self into trouble with your faly. Stop talkin about it."


"Besides, no one can protect in this world but self, and I trust no one but self. Youn ster, just stay away fro, don''''t contact , and don''''t disturb life."


"I just want to help you."


"you are not helpin but harn instead. You''''ve shown your iense power, and I feel as weak as an ant before soone like you."


"Don''''t be afraid. I can protect you froany har"


"protect ? Do you think I aan inorant person who knows nothin and only dwells on unrealistic fantasies? I''''tellin you, Second Youn Master. I''''not a delicate flower you''''ve kept in your boudoir."


"I''''ve seen a lot. I''''ve seen a lot of death and blood. I cherish own life re than anythin. I won''''t bet anythin on own life riht now or in the future. I aselfish. I only love self. Why can''''t you see it clearly? Why can''''t you just leave alone?"


"If you don''''t want to see , I can leave, but I cannot withdraw the people protectin you. I won''''t anyre if you don''''t like ddlin in your affairs. They will only be responsible for your safety and not participate in or interfere with anythin else."


"I don''''t need anyone to spy on ."


"It''''s protection, not spyin. They intain a safe distance froyou and will never overstep that boundary nor cause any iact on your life."


"I prose that their presence is solely to ensure your safety. If you don''''t wish to see for the rest of your life, then I will do it your way."


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