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Chapter 87: New life新生(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

She couldn\''''t even hide frohi


After sayin that, he turned and left.


Afterward, she planned to leave this place and start a new, respectable life.


For her, the transition to a new chapter went rerkably well. She found it quite strane that there were no barriers in her path.


On the day I arrived at the entertainnt parlor, I ca alone, silently. As we departed, the two of us, ster and servant, left just as quietly as we arrived.


Frothis day forward, there would be no re queen of the flower Xu Qianqian in the world, only the proper lady Xu Qianqian.


Life is fleetin and elusive, like a drea Everythin will disappear without a trace.


Half of life oes ups and downs, half a lifeti of hardships, now dissipate into thin air in this present nt.


When we finished packin our belonins and walked out of the ate of this entertainnt parlor, Grass said excitedly, \"My Lady, I can\''''t believe it. One day, I could leave this place with chastity.\"


\"Life is filled with unforeseen chanes. It y seeiossible to accolish ny thins, as difficult as reachin the heavens. But if we continue to han onto optisand work tirelessly toward our objectives, we y experience unexpected and abundant benefits. We st therefore sustain our resolve and endurance without falterin, foster an endurin sense of hope and drive to ve forward, reardless of when or where, prosperity or sfortune, whether hope is obvious or obscured.\"


\"My lady, if dilient efforts can alter one\''''s destiny, then you and the youn ster can also strive and fiht for a briht future, can\''''t you?\"


\"That\''''s a different tter. They are incoarable. Hun effort can chane the present circutances, elevate the quality of life, and even transcend social classes. Nonetheless, I crawl upon the round while he soars adst the heavens. The ap between us is vast and unbrideable. It is beyond the power of hun effort to alter, so we can only accept our fate.\"


\"My lady, are we really leavin like this, never to look back? Before we o, don\''''t you want to say oodbye to hior leave behind a few words?\"


\"You don\''''t understand how ch I wish I could be with hi how ch I hope to rry hi but I just can\''''t.


One st know his status and not push his own luck. Otherwise, sfortune will fall upon us.

The world is danerous, and there is as cold as ice.


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新书推荐: 枯木仙缘 覆灭法师 痞子战神王雨轩 通天道观 开局异世领主,帝国与美人我都要 综武:人在古墓,开局和小龙女订娃娃亲 本想当个普通人,你却夺我天阴骨 我就种个地,怎么长出御姐和萝莉了? 逢凶化吉,从九龙夺嫡开始 被诬陷逐出师门,反手让你全宗立坟