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Chapter 62: Counterattack(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

But I still couldn''''t escape frothe destiny I was born slowly. Sothin that''''s easy for you to attain is actually lifelon wish.


And now nobody knows that I was once the flower queen and I was even better than you for a lon ti.


Both of thewere unfortunate won with a shared hardship, and they should have understood and supported each other. However, because of jealousy and resentnt, they had beco irreconcilable enees.


Upon returnin to their dwellin, Glass eaerly asked, "My lady, why didn''''t you ntion that Xiaotao was the one who told witness all of these?"


"It is better to offend a noble person than a petty one. Xiaotao inford us out of oodwill, intendin to help. Why should we return kindness with hostility and cause trouble for her?


She y be unable to handle us, but taretin Xiaotao would be a sile task for her.


Furtherre, we will eventually leave this place, but we lack the ability to help others do the sa. It''''s wiser to avoid unnecessary colications and think twice before you act. Don''''t incur sinificant losses just to satisfy your pride. Only a fool would do that.


If Xiaotao were to suffer harbecause of us, could we ever find peace ourselves?


Don''''t talk too ch when you''''re around , and don''''t say foolish thins. Always think carefully before actin, as the last thin a clever person needs is a liability for a teaate."


"My lady, I will keep that in nd."


"I brouht you there because I want you to learn, I also want you to experience re and learn so real skills that are useful to your life, but I''''oin to find the landlady later. It''''s not convenient for you to o there. You can just stay in the rooand do your own thins. Don''''t worry about . I''''ll be back soon."


"My lady, Would it be danerous for you to o there alone?" Grass asked anxiously.


"If she really wanted to do sothin to , do you think an unard little irl like you can stop her?"


"My lady, I areally useless."


"Little brat, don''''t underestite yourself. Everyone has their own stron suit, and you surely ot yours. Rest assured, after oin throuh the last incident and with the final outco in our favor, The landlady, bein such a cunnin person, would not dare to harus openly. We won''''t be easily deceived if we rein cautious behind the scenes.”


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