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Chapter 60: Counterattack(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

If a person wanted to live a stable life, he couldn''''t be delusional or have a fluke nd. He had to have excellent self-awareness to ensure his safety and not be deceived by others.


I anot you. I have never been like you and never will.


Do you know why you have fallen to this state?


Yes, you''''ve been hard by others and are a victi


Girls like us are born with a bitter life, but half of what happened to you today is your own responsibility.


How could you have beco like this if you hadn''''t been fantasizin and kept your feet on the round earnestly?


Are you sayin I''''lucky to have a benefactor to help when life was hanin by a thread?


Let tell you frankly. Even if I had not escaped froyour trap and ot killed at that ti, I would not have lived as you did.


The so-called statent, the so-called popularity, and the so-called top beauty had never been oal, and I had never coeted with you, let alone who would be the top beauty.


I never care what you''''ve tried so hard to et because I ca to this da place just to live a better life. I aforced by life."


For , this place is just one-word ney.


But you want re than ney and fa and wealth, so we are different frothe beinnin. We are not the sa kind of people.


If you had hard , I would have set up a trap to send the person who hard to hell, and I would have been able to escape unscathed and continue to live well. Do you believe that I acapable of doin that?"


"You''''re not a hun bein. You''''re a devil!"


"Do you think anyone who can survive in this place can be a hun? Besides, people like who can live well have lon beco dens. It''''s too late for you to find out now! You know yourself and your ene. You don''''t even know who I aand want to hurt . You are overestitin yourself!


Let tell you, not anyone who will endure everythin. You''''d better behave yourself. I''''not soone you can afford to offend.


I''''ll let byones be byones. But if I find out you''''re up to no ood in the future and try to har, I''''ll never forive you.


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