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Chapter 51: Fourth Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

But they often ive what you don''''t lack yourself, and what you lack will not be iven to you by anyone unless you enuinely have it yourself one day.


So people are so ridiculous. They often ive you what you already have, so even if thins are rare and valuable, they differ frowhat you need.


There is a constant streaof people who add to the world''''s joy, but it is rare to find soone who helps in tis of need.


So thins that you have, everyone ives to you, kin you have re and re. But no one will provide you with the thins you don''''t have, the thins you lack, and the thins you truly desire in your heart.


This is destined to be either starved to death or overfed.


"I have to o now so I won''''t disturb you. Goodbye." The won bowed respectfully to the n, turned around, and intended to leave.


One should answer for what she does. You''''ve helped a lot. Youn ster, you are a ood n. I don''''t want to be a burden to you.


The two of us have co frotwo different worlds. We couldn''''t have anythin to do with one another.


She thouht to herself.


He didn''''t say anythin and just watched her leave quietly. The corners of his uth ved, but he didn''''t ke a sound in the end. He just watched her o. He still looked in the direction she left, Even when he couldn''''t see her fiure anyre, unable to return to his senses for a lon ti.


His aze was indifferent, as if he was thinkin about sothin, but also as if he was in outer space. It''''s hard to tell what''''s on His nd.


Second Youn Master was used to havin everythin under his control. As brilliant as he was, he knew that she did not want to have anythin to do with hi He also understood why.


This irl knew when to advance and when to retreat. She had a ood sense of decency. Her teerant and self-control were sothin that even a n like hihad to adre.


It is rare to et such a confidant in life. What an honour it is to et with a like-nded irl.


Even thouh he didn''''t have deep contact with won, ny irls would always ather wherever he went because too ny liked hi A youn irl with such a disposition is hard to find nowadays.


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