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Chapter 39: Third Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

The old sayin oes: "Marriae is set by the parents and sealed by the tchkers." Naturally, she had a say as their ther, but these rules were set for other kids not workin for her sons, especially her second son.


"I think I''''d better not interfere in this too ch." She uthed to herself. Lookin at her son leavin leisurely and racefully, she sihed with happiness and frustration.


A conceited son st have an arroant ther. She trusted her son''''s judnt too ch, so she let hidecide on his rriae. As her second son, he had been independent and intellient since childhood and had rown up in a free-rane parentin way.


She had rarely had to worry about this child. Since childhood, he had been a ture and sensible child, and her second son was coetent. If he didn''''t want to tell her, even if she wanted to, it would not be easy for her to find out.


She had always been a lovin ther, and her son had always been filial. Why bother to do useless thins to hurt their relationship?


She trusted her son and trusted her judnt even re.



That evenin, she tried hard to fall asleep, but it did not work. She just couldn''''t fall asleep.


She had to try her best to think about happy thins and picture herself in beautiful places. So she could fall asleep.


"You have to be brave and stron, and you have to sleep now. You will have the enery to fiht back harder only by sleepin well. A touh battle will take place torrow." She whispered to herself as if hypnotizin herself.


Since thins have happened, you can do nothin by overthinkin.


You st stay oranized and eat reularly even if the sky falls.


These people will surely have another plan. The boss planned this so elaborately. I don''''t believe she will let be off the hook.


You will never be safe and sound as lon as you are here. You have to leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be the sa as these serable irls they have hard.


It''''s useless to be afraid. Today y just be the beinnin. There st be re terrible ves. I st outsrt theand turn their plan to advantae.


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