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Chapter 34: Third Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

She hated hito the uts but didn’t be Heaven to punish these evil people.


There are so ny bad uys in the world, and even there are ods in heaven. How could the ods have ti to punish theone by one?


She had to take revene on these people herself.


These evil people who had done nasty thins and coitted all sorts of cris would o to hell with her. Her death would be worthwhile only in this way, and she could at least elinate so evil in the hun world!



Suddenly, she felt her body lihten up. She looked up and saw a faliar face.



After bein rescued, she didn''''t have ti to wipe away the tears on her face, tidy up her torn clothes, or cover her exposed skin. She ritted her teeth and stroked forward to kick the n hard in the ddle of his lower body.


This kick contained all her strenth and instantly severed the n''''s ability to have children.


"Ah!" The n cried as he squatted on the round with his hands coverin his lower body. Sweat was oozin out of his forehead, and the pain de hiache so ch! He radually lost consciousness.


This scene cauht everyone off uard, and even the second son of the pri nister, who had traveled far and wide and ained excellent knowlede for ny years, was stunned.


She is the st unyieldin irl he has ever seen, ybe slihtly cruel. No, that’s not cruel. That’s braveness and touhness.


"I''''tellin you, I will perish with you even if I die. I will definitely avene self first before I die."


Grittin her teeth, she was born to be proud, and such a irl as she is who doesn’t need anythin else to prove what she is de of.


And he just happened to have sharp eyes that could see throuh a person''''s soul.


Even thouh she ca froa hule faly, she was still better than ny noble youn ladies in the capital by just standin there!


Other people ht be blind, but he was not one of the and he had never been!


She was born with wisdoand fearless, and her nature was innately noble. Unfortunately, the dark clouds covered the sun, and it concealed her briht onliht, causin her not to be able to shine as usual.


However, even thouh the pearls and jades were covered in dust, nothin could conceal the essence of the brilliance.


He believed there would be a day when she would be like a phoenix risin frothe ashes and be able to soar into the sky after overcon all the hardships.


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