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Chapter 24: Lending a Hand(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

But she has no other choice now. This irl is touh and will fiht back and ke others pay if she pushes her hard.


The day will eventually co. She will surely be obedient and serve the n well when she is still youn and beautiful, and ke re ney for her.


All she has to wait for now is an opportunity; the last thin in places like this will be such an opportunity.


"Mother, I''''ll talk to her." She repeated it all the ti.


"Go! "She didn''''t even bother to say yes. She could do it if she insisted. She''''s worth a lot of ney, but what ood it is if she doesn''''t want to do re work ?


"Co with ." She led the way to her roo


"Lady, o with us, don''''t worry. Our lady won''''t hurt you." her id supported the won to follow in her footsteps to leave.


"Look at her wounds. Give her so dicine first," she said to her id, and the id followed the order.


Thouh the irl had been beaten and bruised all over her body, they were so used to this thin that neither even frowned at the bloody wounds.


The lady etionless sat on a chair beside the the id skillfully treatin the wounds.


"Why are you bein so headstron and ot yourself beat to this state? "


The little irl ritted her teeth without speakin or answerin. She sled involuntarily at this faliar look.


She discussed the sa topic with these irls every ti. Althouh the words were stly repeated, she talked to every irl sittin here like today while her id treated their injuries one after another.


Their looks of unyieldin are so faliar, and only their faces are different.


"I appreciate your kindness. " The irl sittin opposite her suddenly said.


"Now that you''''ve ended up here. Bein stubborn won''''t help. You know you''''ve been sold. Why do you still be stubborn? Aren''''t you afraid of death?"


The irl didn’t answer her.


"You want to die?" She asked aain.


"Yes, I''''d rather die than live in a place like this. Everybody is afraid of death, but you underestite . I aeducated, and I will never live in dishonor. I will protect dinity with life." she looked at her contetuously when she said that, and her words ilied sothin.


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