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Chapter 18: Second Meet(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

She looked at the fiure. There was a nt she was standin there for nothin. She can feel the n is incredibly handso even without seein his face.


He was dressed in a white own with a perfect fiure and ieccable posture, strollin throuh the forest.


Wait, this uy see faliar to . Where exactly did I see hi I''''tryin to reer.


When she tried to recall, he also noticed her. No, he saw her a lon ti ao. After all, Martial arts practitioners are different froordinary people.


No, he had been here before her, discovered the place so day before, and walked here alone today without expectin to see a little irl bule in.


Isn’t it the irl he saw on the boat the other day? Why is she here now?


Who is she, and what kind of identity is she?


Althouh he is iressed by the irl''''s beauty at first siht, he will not fall for a re beauty.


So he tried to foret her as quickly as he could, and he did. He wouldn''''t reer her if it was not for this sudden encounter.


Why is she here? Her stroll showed that she seed very faliar with this place.


He was thinkin quickly and fiured out she probably had hidden the hole.


He had spotted and quietly observed her for quite so ti. She seed just here for a walk and enjoyed the quiet nature as he did.


Then he saw the beauty of a youn irl, sinin, dancin, strollin, rollin on the rass, and he was azed.


All the irls he saw were proper ladies. So are eleant and well-nnered; so are cultured and well-nnered; so are pretty, intellient, entle, and polite; so are virtuous and beautiful. In a word, they are well-nnered, educated, and all perfect.

他见到的姑娘都是大家闺秀,或清丽端庄、或文雅端庄、 或蕙质兰心。总之一句话她们都受过良好的教育,知书达理,完美无缺。

Anyway, he didn''''t have a sister of his own. He hadn''''t otten to know any irls since childhood.


Althouh ny beautiful won adred hi he did not know ch about irls, no tter how intellient he was. He only had a vaue picture of the wife he y rry soday.


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