He is the one who can resist the lure of beauty, so she respects hiinside. 这是一个不为自己美貌所诱惑的男子,所以自己也从心里给了他尊敬。 He knows that he is a handso n with an outstandin appearance. 玉雨均知道自己的长相是极好的,而且是一等一的美男子。 As a n, he does not pay ch attention to his appearance, nor does he like others to praise hi He focuses re on the inside. It is the first ti he thinks bein handso is a ood thin.作为一名男子,他不太注重自己的皮相,也不喜欢他人评价称赞自己的相貌,他更偏重于内在,人生的第一次他觉得自己长得好也是一件不错的事。 How beautiful the oddess is. Naturally, she should rry a entle, polite, handso n. 神女多妖娆,自然要玉树临风、气宇轩昂、温文儒雅的好儿郎才可匹配。 He had paid little attention to his appearance before, but the won before hitook his breath away and de hiwant to et closer to her. 从前,他很少去注意外表的东西,但是眼前的女子却让他有种怦然心动想要靠近的感觉。 There was a twinkle of wonder in his eyes, then it returned to its oriinal for and the irl who stood opposite hididn’t stay ch loner and went inside the boat. He felt a hollow inside of hiunknowinly. 他的眼中闪过一丝惊艳,随即又恢复原状,而对面的女子看到自己后没有过多的停顿,而是离开回到了画舫之中,玉雨均心中不免有些他自己都没有觉察到的怅然若失。 But he recovered very soon and found out he was not alone there. These uys were all here, saw the beauty off with a sad look, and were reluctant to let the beauty o. 但是很快,他就收拾好心情,此时他才发现原来立于船头的不仅自己一人,那些个家伙都在,并且都目送着美人离去,脸上的表情好一副不情不愿的几分伤感惋惜之色。 "You uys……" he shook his head helplessly, no re words, but turned his back and walked toward the boat. His voice was soft, like the sprin breeze. “你们这些家伙……”玉雨均无奈地摇摇头,不再多言,而是转身朝着船内走去。他的声音很轻柔,像是春风拂过。 It is indeed that beauties have lon been seen as the roots of trouble. 果然是自古红颜多祸水 The youn sters behind hilooked at each other and reluctantly followed hiinto the boat.他身后的那群朋友们互看了一眼,这才恋恋不舍地跟着他走了进去。 "This irl is beautiful. Her skin is soth, her eyes are briht, and her teeth are white. I wonder what''''s the irl''''s na and where she lives?" said one of the youn n. “这姑娘真是长得真好看,肤如凝脂,明眸皓齿。不知这姑娘贵姓芳名?家住何处?”其中一公子的声音响起。 "Accordin to Confucius, a ld-nnered ood irl is a fine tch for a entlen. Aren''''t you curious about this irl, Second Youn Master?" Another youn ster went over and patted hion the shoulder. “孔子云:窈窕淑女,君子好逑。二公子,难道你就不对这女子有半分好奇心和兴趣?”另一个公子走过去拍了拍玉雨均的肩膀。 "What''''s the use of havin exceptional beauty ?A beautiful won st be overconfident and self-conceited. A pretty face is just so diocrity. Virtue cos first when choosin a wife. What tters is her personality and true nature. A ood n will not covet beauty. You ht as well read a few books. We will have an iortant exa How are you preparin ?Do you have any confidence in it?" “容貌绝色有什么用?相貌绝色的女子大多自负,以貌美为荣,故而自古美人多平庸,娶妻娶贤,主要还是品性和本性,食色性也非君子所为,有这个功夫还不如多读几本书,就要大考了,你书看得怎么样?这次下场可有信心?” It was the first ti he had seen her, but he saw pride in her. She was a proud won. 虽然是第一次见面,但是他从这姑娘这就看到了高傲,那是一个骄傲的女子。