I astill rateful to God for allowin to live such a colorful life without any hatred or resentnt in heart. Even thouh I have tasted all the coldness and harshness of the world alon the way, I learned thins that ordinary people haven’t learned and have ot the abilities that ordinary people haven’t ot durin those unbearable, ti-beaten, and scarred years, which helped to keep free for the rest of life. 我的心中没有恨,没有怨,仍然感激上苍让我活得这样丰富多彩,虽然一路走来尝尽了世态炎凉,人世心酸。可是在那些不堪回首,满目沧桑,千苍百孔的岁月中我学到了一般人无法学到的东西,拥有了一般人没有的能力,而这些能力将会帮助我在后半生任我逍遥。 I also trick apart frodoin business now, and I deceive those rich playboys into diin out all their ney, dispersin their faly wealth, and pavin the way for . How ny people will ive lots of ney to ke a beautiful won sle? I’just this beauty, winnin lots of ney, which is no loner worthwhile. 现在我除了正正经经做生意,也行骗,骗得那些富贵公子哥们为我掏尽腰包,散尽家财,为我铺路,……多少人愿出千金,只为博取美人一笑。而我就是这个美人,千金而已,对于如今的我再也算不上什么了。 Thouh I’not short on ney now, I like to do thins that challene hun nature and desire, watchin the reedy beco bankrupt and have nowhere to o due to their desires. 现在的我并不缺钱,但是我却喜欢做些挑战人性的事情,挑战一个人的欲望,看着那些贪婪的人被自己的欲望弄得倾家荡产,无路可走的下场。 You will discover that you can et ny thins done just with tricks if you stay in this industry for a lon ti. 在这个行业呆久了你会发现世间很多事都可以凭手段获得。 So people y think that I aa terrible won. Let thetalk about it. If I deceive one re reedy and selfish n, one less ood won will suffer. Therefore, I don''''t think I have any uilt. 也许有人会觉得我是个坏女人,任你们去说吧,那些贪得无厌,自私自利的男人,我骗了一个,就会少一个良家女子受害,我不觉得我有什么愧疚的地方。 My wealth acculated re and re over ti. Besides, life is full of lory and wealth, and I have a ood life that others dreaof, but I anot happy. That feelin of etiness is ettin deeper and deeper. 我的财富随着时间的积累,越来越多,越来越多。 我的人生有了荣华富贵,有了他人梦寐以求的好日子,可是我却不快乐,那种空虚的感觉越来越深,也越来越多。 I aa heartless person. If a person is heartless, will he not be ety? I lauhed at self. 我是一个没有心的人,一个人连心都没有了,能不空虚吗?我自嘲道。 I was on a boat when I first t hi That day, we sisters accoanied our uests to tour the lake; Crion ates reek with at and ale while on the streets and bones of the frozen dead. The world is so unfair. So people pay llions of dollars to ke a beautiful won sle, while others are starvin and on the brink of freezin to death. 初见玉雨均的时候是在画船上,那一天姐妹几个陪着客人去游湖,朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。 世间就是这么的不公平,有人一掷千金只为美人一笑,而有人却吃不饱饭在饿死冻死的边缘上挣扎着。 Girls who stay in the prostitute house have no better way out. They are the sa as , who could rein only in this dirty industry, but what about those n? Which one is not here for fun? Which one is not here for enjoynt? They all co here flirtin with beautiful won. 风尘中的女子有很多是如我这种没有其他更好的路可走,才留在风尘之中的这片肮脏之地,腐朽之圈,可是那些男人呢?哪一个不是为了玩乐?哪一个不是为了享受?他们全是来这和美女谈情说爱的。 Won in the prostitute house? are pitiful, but n who co to? the prostitute? house? are hateful and shaless. 风尘女多的是可怜可悲者,风尘男却都是可恨可耻者。 That''''s why I never had any syathy for people who thouht they loved deeply and spent all their ney on behalf and ended up badly because they didn''''t deserve any syathy. 所以我从来都不同情那些为了我意乱神迷,挥金如土,不惜倾家荡产者,因为他们根本不值得同情。