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Chapter 2: Live a Happy Life(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

After turnin 10, I went to the entertainnt parlor. While I reconized that the entertainnt parlor was not a healthy environnt for won, it was still far better than doin labor work all day.


Moreover, the entertainnt parlor is ch better than the prostitute''''s house. At least we are sellin skills rather than our bodies.


The irls frothe entertainnt parlor all co frolow-inco falies.


We can''''t bear the hardships and hopelessness of people experiencin poverty; there is no better choice. That''''s why we are here to learn how to sin and dance.


Who wouldn''''t want a clean backround if we had any choices? It would be better if we were eleant ladies frorenowned falies.


But I have nothin to do with sothin like this in this lifeti.


I astrulin with the need for food and clothin because I was born into a low-inco faly. Starvin is a horrible ry for . I st live a ood life in the future.


How does a irl like ke a ood livin?


Throuh faly love, rontic love is even re ridiculous to soone like . I like to attach self to those in power and rise to the top of the world so that all the hard work in life will not be in vain.


My inco was better after I ca to the entertainnt parlor, and I was finally allowed to study.


My skills are better since I worked harder and sweated re than others. As a result, I continued to ture every day.


I bean studyin dancin and sinin when I was ten, which was too late.


It would be best to start learnin the zither when you are five and the dance when you are six or earlier to be the leadin dancer.


You have to painstakinly practice throuhout the days and the seasons without stoppin.


Because bein the leadin dancer, your beauty st be extraordinary, and your dance st be outstandin.


It''''s iossible to be the leadin dancer for soone like , but I have refused to accept fate since childhood. As I rew older, I had to yield to fate unwillinly.


Now that I''''in this industry, I''''ll do best.


As the days went by, when I was fifteen, I did pretty well for self.


I aan excellent dance irl at the entertainnt parlor. I can live a ood life.


But despite fantastic talent and appearance, I was not as ood as the dauhters of wealthy falies because of hule backround.


I could support self financially and even be able to finance whole faly to live a ood life, but I will never be noble in this life. The ill-fated irl has an unfortunate appearance. The days went by like this.


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