My Aunt Butterfly is an extraordinary won. She is the renowned lady of the Cui faly in the capital, a refined and eleant er of a distinuished faly. 我的姑姑崔蝶是一个了不起的人物。 她是京城崔家的才女,她也是个温婉端庄,清婉隽秀的名门之女。 Althouh our Cui faly cannot be coared to the ierial palace or noble nsions, we are a respected faly with a history spannin over a century. My aunt ained fa at a very youn ae. She could coose poetry at three, write verses by seven, and was hihly skilled in sic, chess, calliraphy, and paintin. 我们崔家虽然比不得皇宫侯府,但是我们是一个沉淀百年了的清贵世家。 我的姑姑在很小的时候就名扬天下,她三岁能诗,七岁能赋,自幼琴棋书画学得样样精通,样样拔尖。 Froa youn ae, she stood at the pinnacle of society. She was exceptional in ter of backround, appearance, talent, and wisdo 她从小就站到了金字塔上面了,身世,容貌,才学,智慧她都是顶尖的。 However, such a rerkable won reined unrried and unenaed even at twenty-five. 可是就是这样一个倾世的奇女子二十五岁了还没有嫁人,也没有订婚配。 Suitors visited our ho to propose in droves, nearly wearin down our doorstep, but aunt would disaree. As a result, she radually beca an old id, thouh the streaof suitors never stopped, only dwindlin in nuer. 来我们家提亲的人从来都是络绎不绝的,都快把我们家的门槛踏破了,可是姑姑就是不同意,就这样她也渐渐成了老姑娘了,然而提亲求娶的人仍然没有断过,只是越来越少了。 Everyone knew that the Cui faly had a lady of stunnin beauty and unparalleled talent. However, this lady had exceedinly hih standards, and even the sons of noble falies couldn''''t catch her eye. 所有人都知道崔家养了个国色天香,倾国倾城,绝代风华的大才女,只是此女却心性极高,一般男儿,名门贵子在她眼中也是瞧不上的。 Gradually, not all words about aunt were filled with adration and praise. Neative coents arose, and they only rew re and re. However, aunt paid theno intention, continuin to live as she pleased. 也因此渐渐地,那些言语中不再全是钦佩夸赞我的姑姑,也有了些负面的言论,而这些负面的言论也越来越多,越来越多,只是姑姑并不理睬这些,依然我行我素,照样过着自己的日子……。 Since childhood, I knew I had an incredible aunt hihly respected in our faly. Our household naent was not in ther''''s hands but in aunt''''s. 我从小就知道我有一个不可思议的姑姑,更重要的是她在我们家里备受尊敬,我们家管理权不是在我母亲手里,而是在姑姑手里。 When I was youn, I didn''''t understand why this was the case, nor did I ever wonder why aunt''''s position was so unique. I rely respected her like everyone else around . 我小的时候并不明白这是为什么?也从来没有想过姑姑的地位为何这么特别?只是近朱者赤近墨者黑,也同周围人一样尊她敬她。 As a child, I didn''''t enjoy eroidery and preferred readin and writin, practicin calliraphy, and learnin rtial arts. 我小的时候也不喜欢女红刺绣,反而喜欢读书写字,习文练武。 When ther discovered unconventional interests, she intentionally or unintentionally encouraed to et closer to aunt, even hintin that I should try to please her. I didn''''t quite understand ther''''s intentions as a youn child. However, I was chosen by aunt durin childhood and eventually lived with her. 我的娘亲发现我的这些不入流,不随大众的性情时,她总是无意或者是有意让我多和这个姑姑亲近,甚至暗示我主动讨好姑姑。那个才几岁的我并不太明白母亲的想法,只是在孩童的时候我被姑姑挑中,后来也随着她一起生活。