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好书推荐: 暴君拿我炼长生 变成妲己爱对人 穿成绘本作家的猫 觅形探偶 斫旧月:我劝神仙重抖擞 月绒祭 凤凰骨[重生] 遮天之妖劫 烽火从川军影视剧开始 一寸山河

本节为第三卷的参考文献,主要内容大都是和宇宙学与星际旅行相关的,作者其实也不是这个方向的所以只能读个大概了。有兴趣可以细看。  1. Wynaard, J. C.(2010). Turbulence in the Atsphere. Caride University Press.  2. Gu, V. I., Dedov, A. M., Ivanov, V. A.,& Miller, V. V.(1984). Neutron radiation analysis.  3. Gray, L.(1944, March). The ionization thod of asurin neutron enery. In Mathetical Proceedins of the Caride Philosophical Society (Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 72-102). Caride University Press.  4. Grosshoe, G.(1979). Neutron ionization chaers. Nuclear instrunts and Methods, 162(1-3), 125-160.  5. Misner, C. W.(1960). Worole initial conditions. Physical Review, 118(4), 1110.  6. Oha, T.,& Sakai, N.(2015). Worole shadows. Physical Review D, 91(12), 124020.  7. Jas, O., von Tunzelnn, E., Franklin, P.,& Thorne, K. S.(2015). Visualizin Interstellar''''s worole. Arican Journal of Physics, 83(6), 486-499.  8. Sen, A.(2002). Tachyon tter. Journal of Hih Enery Physics, 2002(07), 065.  9. Sen, A.(2002). Rollin tachyon. Journal of Hih Enery Physics, 2002(04), 048.  10. Sen, A.(2002). Field theory of tachyon tter. Modern Physics Letters A, 17(27), 1797-1804.  11. Wainwriht, C. L.(2012). CosTransitions: coutin cosloical phase transition teeratures and bubble profiles with ltiple fields. Couter Physics Counications, 183(9), 2006-2013.  12. Horodecki, R., Horodecki, P., Horodecki, M.,& Horodecki, K.(2009). Quantuentanlent. Reviews of dern physics, 81(2), 865.  13. Gühne, O.,& Tóth, G.(2009). Entanlent detection. Physics Reports, 474(1-6), 1-75.  14. Vedral, V., Plenio, M. B., Rippin, M. A.,& Kniht, P. L.(1997). Quantifyin entanlent. Physical Review Letters, 78(12), 2275.  15. Hosr Jr, D. W., Leshow, S.,& Sturdivant, R. X.(2013). Applied loistic reression (Vol. 398). John Wiley & Sons.  16. Kleinbau D. G., Dietz, K., Gail, M., Klein, M.,& Klein, M.(2002). Loistic reression (p. 536). New York: Spriner-Verla.  17. Menard, S.(2002). Applied loistic reression analysis (No. 106). Sae.  18. Thoson, E.,& Coslli, D.(2011). Brain in a vat or body in a world? Brainbound versus enactive views of experience. Philosophical topics, 163-180.  19. Blunhaen, R., Lüst, D.,& Theisen, S.(2013). Basic concepts of strin theory (Vol. 17, pp. 21-23). Berlin: Spriner.  20. Lüst, D.,& Theisen, S.(1989). Lectures on strin theory (Vol. 346). New York: Spriner-Verla.  21. Becker, K., Becker, M.,& Schwarz, J. H.(2006). Strin theory and M-theory: A dern introduction. Caride university press.  22. West, P.(2001). E11 and M theory. Classical and QuantuGravity, 18(21), 4443.  23. Gopakur, R.,& Vafa, C.(1998). M-theory and topoloical strins--II. arXiv preprint hep-th/9812127.

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