chen mu:I heard,The ancients could not see themselves,So they look at themselves in the mirror,They cannot see their shortcomings,So they demand themselves with truth,Sir taught me why?
xiao fan:I think,Human intelligence and strength are limited,No matter how wise Yao is, but without others to help him, he cannot succeed,Even if Wu had the strength, without the help of others, he could not move himself,No matter how brave Benyu is, without strategy, he cannot always win,There are situations in which nothing can be done,It is hard to do something,So you have to use the strengths of others to compensate for your own weaknesses,You need to choose the best option for the situation,Only in this way can it be easy to succeed,This is the wisdom of the Holy King。
chen mu:Sir is right,I accept your teachings。
chen mu:I heard,Between heaven and earth, similar magnetic fields attract each other,Sir taught me why?
xiao fan:I think,It is impossible for the broken nest to attract phoenixes,It is impossible to attract unicorns by killing animals,It is impossible for a dry river to attract dragon turtles,There are many such cases,The ancient holy king had insight into a law,So they worked hard to boost the energy of their own magnetic field,Therefore, if Yao does good deeds, he can attract good people,If jie does bad things, he attracts bad people,Natural disasters arise as a warning to humanity,Disasters are attracted by humans themselves。
chen mu:Sir is right,I accept your teachings。
chen mu:I want to know,Which is more important in government affairs?Sir taught me。
xiao fan:I think,Court matters are crucial,If the court is unfair,Then the dead will not be resurrected,It is useless for the judge to regret it,The second is the military,When there is a war,if the military command is not properly then a lot of people are killed,The third is education,Previously, Yu could not conquer Hu,Therefore, he has worked to improve the policy,in order to civilize the world,A year later, Hu returned to Yu,I hope you learn from this。
chen mu:Sir is right,I accept your teachings。
chen mu:I want to know,How the Holy King established merit,Sir taught me。
xiao fan:I think,I think there are four points,The first is timing,The second is the will of the people,The third is strategy,The fourth is official position,If the timing is not right,Even ten yao cannot make the crops grow,If someone goes against the will of the people,Even if he was as brave as Ben, he did not have the support of the people,If the timing is right, then the crops grow naturally,If you obey the will of the people, then you have their support,If you have the right strategy, then the situation will develop sMoothly,If you have an official position and status,Then it is natural for you to become famous,It is as easy as a boat flowing on water,Only by observing the truth of nature can one become a holy king。
chen mu:Sir is right,I accept your teachings。
chen mu:Now the north has been pacified,I was very happy at the banquet,Sir, what do you think?
xiao fan:I think you have made five mistakes,first,You overplay without thinking about the crisis,second,You are very suspicious of your brothers,third,The foreign threat has not been eliminated but you already have some conceit,fourth,After the war, the people were poor, but you did not pacify and help them,fifth,You promised to reward the generals after the victory,But you have broken your promise,Now is a dangerous time, not a time for you to play。
chen mu:Sir is right,I was wrong。
chen mu:I want to know,Why is it so hard to conquer the world?Sir taught me。
xiao fan:I think,There are five difficulties in conquering the world,first,You have to risk your life to fight the enemy,second,Recruit talent to start a business with you,third,You have to suffer with the soldiers,And you have to lead by example,fourth,Defeat strong enemies with weak strength,At the same time, you need to actively adopt the right advice,fifth,Revive the country and protect it。
chen mu:Sir is right,I accept your teachings。
chen mu:My rewards and punishments are appropriate,However, the people do not follow me,Sir taught me why?
xiao fan:I think,This is because there are corrupt officials,Only by dealing with corrupt officials can you attract excellent talent,Their father was meritorious and rewarded,They did not establish merit but enjoyed equal treatment,They dressed well, drove good carriages, and lived in big houses,They are conceited and extravagant,Their actions have a bad impact on society,Therefore, you should abolish their treatment,Only in this way can you recruit excellent talents。
chen mu:Sir is right,I respectfully accept your teachings。