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第78章 Jonathan(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 我即是神我不是神 贱贱的赵九儿 至尊九幽传 归神传:猿陛之心 剑种 穿越七零:撩翻糙汉大佬 穿越之暴君皇帝很温柔 神鸟栖枝 小凤凰很撩 末日之:异能时代

使馆被炸当晚,孙虎在英语角认识了外教Jonathan,孙虎问:“where are you from?”(你从哪里来?)

Jonathan答:“I came from California,America.”(我来自美国加利福尼亚)

孙虎:“Nice to meet you!”(很高兴认识你)

Jonathan ,“Oh,nice to meet you,too.”(我也同样,认识你很开心)

孙虎又问:“What were you doing in your country before you came here?”(来这里之前你在你们国家做什么?)

Jonathan 继续答:“ Before coming here,I’m also a teacher.“”(在我来这里之前,也是一名教师。)




杨范成见了,笑着对Jonathan说:“You’re so cool!”(你好酷哇!)并竖了大拇指。

Jonathan大方答道:“Thank you!谢谢。”

靳东过来对Jonatan说:“Generally speaking,if we heared someone praised you,our Chinese will say: no no,where where!”(一般来说,我们中国人如果听到别人表扬你,我们会说:不不,哪里哪里。)


Jonathan 似乎没听太懂,半低着头、略仰着下巴颏、手大拇指戳住双肩包的背带,显出一副无助的样子:“Well?Excuse me,wha what’s the meaning?”(嗯?抱歉,这是什么意思呢?)

吕小雯此时抢话:“It’s not ‘well’,but ‘where’!(不是“嗯”,而是“哪里”!)

Jonathan 更是一头雾水,眉头皱了皱。

见Jonathan 似乎仍未听懂,又慢慢说:“Follow me!Reapt it one word by one word: w_h_e_r_e. Just this word,understand?”(跟我一起说!一个字母接一个字母地说:w_h_e_r_e。就是这个单词,明白了吗?)

Jonathan 此时似乎听懂了:“Oh,yes,I see. It’s interesting!Very fun!And it’s different expression in different culture. Very intresting! So amazing!”(哦,是的,我明白了。真是有趣!很有意思!这也是不同文化在表达上的不同。非常有意思!太神奇啦!)

众人也都表示赞同,并说:“Foreigners are more open and Chinese have the virtue of modesty.”(外国人更开放一点,中国人有着谦虚美德。)

吕小雯又向Jonanathan说起了,“How do you think of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia and the death of three Chinese journalists?”(中国驻南联盟大使馆被炸、3名中国记者不幸在这次轰炸中牺牲的事,并问他对此怎么看?)

Jonathan 说:“Eh,I just heard this news. I’m Sorry!(我也是刚刚听说这个消息。抱歉!)

吕小雯听了,有点不满:“Not just say ‘sorry’. You said using this word is just like your country’s politician wording. You should,and you must say ‘apologize’. You should be ashamed for your activity.”(不要只是说抱歉。你用这个词和你们国家说法一样。你应该,而且必须用道歉这个词。你应该为你们国家的行为感到羞愧!)

Jonathan 用食指指了指自己的鼻子:“You said me?Oh,no,no,no. I’m a teacher in China. I teach you English here. It has nothing to do with me.”(你是说我吗?哦,不、不、不。我只是在中国的一名教师。我教你们英语,这事和我无关。)

吕小雯依然不依不挠:“Why nothing to do with you?Are you an American?”(为什么和你无关?难道你不是美国人那?)

Jonathan,“Yes,I am. But as you know,I’m just a common person. You said people who are politicians,and I can not influence their expressions.”(是的,我是美国人。但你知道,我只是个普通人。你说的那些人是政客,而我也无法影响他们的言行。)

吕小雯继续说:“But you can write a letter to them . You must write as soon as you come back University foreign teacher apartment.”(但你能给他们写封信。你必须一回学校住处就写。)

Jonathan 望着咄咄逼人的吕小雯,只好点了点头,嘴里说着:“Yes,yes,yes. I agree with you. I’ll try it with the way you told me just now as soon as I come back the department of University. And I will email office of President.”(好的,好的,好的。我答应你。一回学校住处我就按你跟我说的那样做。我会给总统办公室发一封电子邮件。)

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新书推荐: 暗夜潮涌 朕就静静看你们表演 夫君,给我贴贴 爆红,从正确使用黑料开始 绿茶女配有什么坏心思呢 恐怖游戏,但在酒厂 嫁给注定早死的反派 无限流,但当BOSS老师 普通人,但怪物之母 be小说求生手册