She had fantasized about it in the past, but the reality hit her with a fatal blow. The entertainnt parlor will be her ho for the rest of her life. 以前自己还曾有过幻想,只是现实给了她狠狠的致命一击。以后这歌伎坊就是她的家,一辈子的家。 There were too ny thins not reconciled, too ch resentnt, and too ch she couldn''''t feel at ease. 但是她心中仍有太多的不甘,有太多的不愤,有太多的意难平。 She was not a fool. She was deceived and blinded by that n''''s sweet words at that ti. He abandoned her later and de her co to her senses. 她并不傻,也不蠢,她只是当初深陷其中被男人的花言巧语所骗,后来他抛弃了自己,让自己回到了现实。 The boss had areed with everythin that n had done to her, and the outco was also what the boss wanted to see. 他的所作所为都是妈妈同意了的,自己的结局也是妈妈所乐意见到的事。 Everythin was under the boss’s control. She was nothin but a ney tree to her. 一切的一切都在妈妈的掌握之中,她不是人,她只是颗摇钱树而已。 She should have accepted this since this was her fate, but Xu Qianqian lived a life she always dread of, and it’s so ch better than what she is doin now. 这就是她的命,她也本该认命,可是那徐芊芊却活出了和自己不一样的人生,她活成了一个自己做梦都想要成为的人。 She watched her cunninly avoid all the boss''''s overt and covert ans repeatedly and watched her retreat unscathed every ti, which de the boss nash her teeth with hatred. She was so happy at a ti like that. She was delihted that the vicious boss couldn''''t do everythin as she wished and was delihted to see how helpless the boss was when she hated Xu Qianqian so ch, yet there was nothin she could do about it. 看着她狡猾地一次次躲过妈妈的明枪暗箭,看着她每次都毫发无损地全身而退让妈妈恨得咬牙切齿,她一边是高兴,高兴这狠毒的老板不能事事如意,心灾乐祸的是徐芊芊这个女人让妈妈恨到了骨子里却也轻易奈何不得。 However, on the other hand, she hated Xu Qianqian. Why? How could Xu Qianqian intain her chastity for so lon? Why should she use her own body to serve others? 可是另一边她又憎恨徐芊芊,凭什么?凭什么她徐芊芊就可以一直守身如玉?凭什么她要拿自己身体去伺候人? The two had been fihtin openly and secretly all this ti. 这么久来她们俩一直都在明争暗斗。 She was surprised to find that Xu Qianqian was different froher after standin by and watchin for so lon. 她作壁上观了那么久后,她才后知后觉地惊讶发现,原来徐芊芊是和自己不同的。 That irl was so srt, but she was so stupid herself. 她那么聪明,而自己却是那么的愚蠢。 No, they two used to be on par in every aspect. It was iossible that she’d be inferior to her! 不,不,当年她们俩无论在任何方面都是伯仲之间的,她不可能比徐芊芊差,不可能! Ever since she realized that Xu Qianqian ht be better than her, she had beco increasinly unfriendly to her and even hated her frothe bottoof her heart. 自从意识到了徐芊芊可能强过自己,她就变得对她越来越不友好起来,甚至从心里生出了浓浓的恨意。 They had been coetitors since they were youn, so naturally, they didn''''t have a ood iression of each other. However, they had coeted openly and fairly in the past. She had always been proud and would never use dirty ans to win. 俩人从小就是竞争对手,本就对对方没有多少好感,只是以往她们俩都是光明正大地公平竞争,她向来骄傲,不屑于用手段赢过对方。