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Chapter 42: Colorful Phoenix(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

She had fantasized about it in the past, but the reality hit her with a fatal blow. The entertainnt parlor will be her ho for the rest of her life.


There were too ny thins not reconciled, too ch resentnt, and too ch she couldn''''t feel at ease.


She was not a fool. She was deceived and blinded by that n''''s sweet words at that ti. He abandoned her later and de her co to her senses.


The boss had areed with everythin that n had done to her, and the outco was also what the boss wanted to see.


Everythin was under the boss’s control. She was nothin but a ney tree to her.


She should have accepted this since this was her fate, but Xu Qianqian lived a life she always dread of, and it’s so ch better than what she is doin now.


She watched her cunninly avoid all the boss''''s overt and covert ans repeatedly and watched her retreat unscathed every ti, which de the boss nash her teeth with hatred. She was so happy at a ti like that. She was delihted that the vicious boss couldn''''t do everythin as she wished and was delihted to see how helpless the boss was when she hated Xu Qianqian so ch, yet there was nothin she could do about it.


However, on the other hand, she hated Xu Qianqian. Why? How could Xu Qianqian intain her chastity for so lon? Why should she use her own body to serve others?


The two had been fihtin openly and secretly all this ti.


She was surprised to find that Xu Qianqian was different froher after standin by and watchin for so lon.


That irl was so srt, but she was so stupid herself.


No, they two used to be on par in every aspect. It was iossible that she’d be inferior to her!


Ever since she realized that Xu Qianqian ht be better than her, she had beco increasinly unfriendly to her and even hated her frothe bottoof her heart.


They had been coetitors since they were youn, so naturally, they didn''''t have a ood iression of each other. However, they had coeted openly and fairly in the past. She had always been proud and would never use dirty ans to win.


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