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Chapter 6: Live a Happy Life(1 / 1)

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好书推荐: 岛屿情诗 人性的诗篇 郡主是第一美人 执笔军师 离婚后,前夫每天都想上位 禁军军乐司需要我这样的人材 酒酿月光 配角 快穿之我是打工仔 嫁作首辅白月光

No tter how poor our backround is or how ch we fall behind at the beinnin, as lon as we are firas a rock and always ve forward, we will write the unique leendary story that only belons to us alone.


What is leendary?


Beyond daily necessities, hardships in reality, terial in life, and ae constraints.


With an extraordinary spirit and perseverance to pursue our drea we write our leendary story throuh various life for, difficulties, hardships, wit and courae, daner, etc.


Everyone should be a leend because each of us faces different proble. What''''s re, each person''''s ability and resources are different. We have other life stories because of our differences. That''''s why we have all kinds of leendary stories.



When I encounter difficulties, unyieldin.


When I encounter adversity, I never ive up.


When I encounter challenes, I never bein afraid.


When I encounter a bottleneck, I never corose.


I try best to o toward the road, and I take the path when the road can not walk throuh; I take the tunnel when the route can not walk throuh; I will study froThe Foolish Old Man Who Reved the Mountains and Open way when there is no tunnel.


Never lose hope, Never corose, and Never ive up!


As the days o by, we will cultivate a entle teerant like a breeze and be brave and stron as iron and steel.



I lauh because of who I a


I can lauh to heart''''s content. I can lauh freely by self rather than dependin on anyone else. While I lauh as ch as I want, I afull of enery and confidence because I can rely on self.


I live a ood life? because? of self and? not because I have to rely on? soone else.


I aa won who likes the wind and has the strenth and ability to walk worldwide, just like the wind.


No one controls happiness, and I athreatened and challened by no one.


I cherish and appreciate you ild the lily, but I never expect others to provide tily help.


Because the one that can provide tily help is the st expensive in the world, it is sothin we can''''t ask for.


That''''s how thins are in the world.



It would be reat luck to have soone who can provide the tily help. If not, I can be caland happy like a breeze to live all life.


Bein a won like a breeze also requires the sa value and capability.


The process of self-cultivation is also a process of self-appreciation!


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