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好书推荐: 暴君拿我炼长生 变成妲己爱对人 穿成绘本作家的猫 觅形探偶 斫旧月:我劝神仙重抖擞 月绒祭 凤凰骨[重生] 遮天之妖劫 烽火从川军影视剧开始 一寸山河

为保证正文中科学事实的严谨性和给感兴趣的读者提供一些延伸阅读材料,在《作品相关》部分我将开始同步发布与正文中科学内容有关的文献和书籍,供大家参考。  1. Auirre, J.(2022). Life finds a way. Nature Ecoloy & Evolution, 6(11), 1599-1600.  2. Anderson, P. W.(1972). More is different: broken syetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science. Science, 177(4047), 393-396.  2.Mlodinow, L.(2009). The drunkard''''s walk: How randoess rules our lives. Vintae.  3. Bird, R. J.(2003). Chaos and life: Colexity and order in evolution and thouht. Coluia University Press.  4. Cattivelli, F.,& Sayed, A. H.(2009, Deceer). Self-oranization in bird fliht fortions usin diffusion adaptation. In 2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Coutational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processin (CAMSAP)(pp. 49-52). IEEE.  5. Dick, G.,& Seli, M.(2003, Deceer). The aerodynac benefits of self-oranization in bird flocks. In 41st Aerospace Sciences Meetin and Exhibit (p. 608).  6. Ivancevic, V. G.,& Ivancevic, T. T.(2008). Colex nonlinearity: chaos, phase transitions, topoloy chane and path interals. Spriner Science & Business Media.  7.郝柏林.(1983).分岔,混沌,奇怪吸引子,湍流及其它——关于确定论系统中的内在随机性.物理学进展, 3(3), 335-416.  8. Nicolis, G.,& Prioine, I.(1989). Explorin colexity an introduction.  9. Bak, P., Tan, C.,& Wiesenfeld, K.(1988). Self-oranized criticality. Physical Review A, 38(1), 364.  10. Lanacker, P.(1981). Grand unified theories and proton decay. Physics Reports, 72(4), 185-385.  11. Shearer, S. M.(2010). Beautiful: the life of Hedy Larr. Macllan.  12. Kolorov, A. N.(1941). Dissipation of enery in the locally isotropic turbulence. In Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR (Vol. 32, pp. 19-21).  13. Chaikin, P. M., Lubensky, T. C.,& Witten, T. A.(1995). Principles of condensed tter physics (Vol. 10). Caride: Caride university press.  14.Žutić, I., Fabian, J.,& Sar, S. D.(2004). Spintronics: Fundantals and applications. Reviews of dern physics, 76(2), 323.  15. Braudel, F.(1958, Deceer). Histoire et sciences sociales: la lonue durée. In Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 725-753). Caride University Press.  16. Bell III, J. F., McSween Jr, H. Y., Crisp, J. A., Morris, R. V., Murchie, S. L., Brides, N. T.,...& Soderblo L.(2000). Mineraloic and coositional properties of Martian soil and dust: Results froMars Pathfinder. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 105(E1), 1721-1755.  17. Owen, T., Bienn, K., Rushneck, D. R., Biller, J. E., Howarth, D. W.,& Lafleur, A. L.(1977). The coosition of the atsphere at the surface of Mars. Journal of Geophysical research, 82(28), 4635-4639.  18. Sethna, J. P., Dahn, K. A.,& Myers, C. R.(2001). Cracklin noise. Nature, 410(6825), 242-250.  19. Azevedo, A.,& Rezende, S. M.(1991). Controllin chaos in spin-wave instabilities. Physical review letters, 66(10), 1342.  20. Durin, G.,& Zapperi, S.(2004). The barkhausen effect. arXiv preprint cond-t/0404512.  21. Colaiori, F.(2008). Exactly solvable del of avalanches dynacs for Barkhausen cracklin noise. Advances in Physics, 57(4), 287-359.  22. Mandelbrot, B. B., Evertsz, C. J.,& Gutzwiller, M. C.(2004). Fractals and chaos: the Mandelbrot set and beyond (Vol. 3). New York: Spriner.  23. Branner, B.(1989). The ndelbrot set. In Proc. sy. appl. th (Vol. 39, pp. 75-105).  24. Griorenko, I.,& Griorenko, E.(2003). Chaotic dynacs of the fractional Lorenz syste Physical review letters, 91(3), 034101.  25. Guckenheir, J.,& Willia, R. F.(1979). Structural stability of Lorenz attractors. Publications Mathétiques de l''''IHÉS, 50, 59-72.  26. Bes, J. M.,& Plenz, D.(2003). Neuronal avalanches in neocortical circuits. Journal of neuroscience, 23(35), 11167-11177.  27. Friedn, N., Ito, S., Brinkn, B. A., Shino, M., DeVille, R. L., Dahn, K. A.,...& Butler, T. C.(2012). Universal critical dynacs in hih resolution neuronal avalanche data. Physical review letters, 108(20), 208102.  28. Hobbs, J. P., Sth, J. L.,& Bes, J. M.(2010). Aberrant neuronal avalanches in cortical tissue reved frojuvenile epilepsy patients. Journal of Clinical Neurophysioloy, 27(6), 380-386.  29. Stroatz, S. H.(2018). Nonlinear dynacs and chaos with student solutions nual: With applications to physics, bioloy, chestry, and enineerin. CRC press.  30. Sornette, A.,& Sornette, D.(1989). Self-oranized criticality and earthquakes. Europhysics Letters, 9(3), 197.  31. Ronczuk, P.,& Daniels, B. C.(2023). Phase Transitions and Criticality in the Collective Behavior of Anils—Self-Oranization and Bioloical Function. In Order, Disorder and Criticality: Advanced Proble of Phase Transition Theory (pp. 179-208).  32. Steyer, A.,& Ziernn, J. B.(2001). Self oranised criticality in econoc and social networks: The case of innovation diffusion. In Econocs with Heteroeneous Interactin Aents (pp. 27-41). Spriner Berlin Heidelber.  33. Mardlin, R. A.(2008). Resonance, chaos and stability: The three-body problein astrophysics. The Caride N-Body Lectures, 59-96.  34. Zen, X., Pielke, R. A.,& Eykholt, R.(1993). Chaos theory and its applications to the atsphere. Bulletin of the Arican Meteoroloical Society, 74(4), 631-644.  35. Manneville, P.(2010). Instabilities, chaos and turbulence (Vol. 1). World Scientific.  36. Uhlenbeck, G. E.,& Ornstein, L. S.(1930). On the theory of the Brownian tion. Physical review, 36(5), 823.  37. Fujisaka, H.,& Grossnn, S.(1982). Chaos-induced diffusion in nonlinear discrete dynacs. Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter, 48, 261-275.  38.杜石然.(2012).中国科学技术史稿. BEIJING BOOK CO. INC..  39. Jahn, R. G.(1964). Electric propulsion. Arican Scientist, 52(2), 207-217.  40. Lev, D., Myers, R. M., Leer, K. M., Kolbeck, J., Koizu, H.,& Polzin, K.(2019). The technoloical and coercial expansion of electric propulsion. Acta Astronautica, 159, 213-227.  41. Qiu, Z. Q.,& Bader, S. D.(2000). Surface neto-optic Kerr effect. Review of Scientific Instrunts, 71(3), 1243-1255.  42. Kelly, P. J.,& Arnell, R. D.(2000). Manetron sputterin: a review of recent developnts and applications. Vacuu 56(3), 159-172.  43. Tsoi, M., Fontana, R. E.,& Parkin, S. S. P.(2003). Manetic doin wall tion triered by an electric current. Applied physics letters, 83(13), 2617-2619.  44. Mandelbrot, B. B.,& Mandelbrot, B. B.(1982). The fractal eotry of nature (Vol. 1). New York: WH freen.  45. Niven, J. E.(2016). Neuronal enery consution: biophysics, efficiency and evolution. Current opinion in neurobioloy, 41, 129-135.  46. Murphy, R.,& Woods, D. D.(2009). Beyond Asiv: The three laws of responsible robotics. IEEE intellient syste, 24(4), 14-20.  47. Milra S.(1967). The sll world proble Psycholoy today, 2(1), 60-67.  48. Watts, D. J.,& Stroatz, S. H.(1998). Collective dynacs of‘sll-world’networks. nature, 393(6684), 440-442.  49. Newn, M. E.(2000). Models of the sll world. Journal of Statistical Physics, 101, 819-841.  50. Place, U. T.(1956). Is consciousness a brain process?. British journal of psycholoy, 47(1), 44-50.  51. Dehaene, S.(2014). Consciousness and the brain: Decipherin how the brain codes our thouhts. Penuin.

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